Chapter 2

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Gravity Falls: Lloyd's POV

I groaned. Last thing I remember, The Bounty flew into a portal, and we all blacked out. Something told me we weren't in Ninjago anymore. So I opened my eyes.

We were in the middle of a field in a pine tree forest. I looked around the Bounty as I sat up. Everyone was passed out, but there were two new people that were awake. They were most likely twins, with brown hair and eyes. The boy was wearing a blue and white pine tree hat and the girl was wearing a pink shooting star sweater.

'Weird', I thought. 'It's summer. Why is she wearing a sweater?'

Within a minute, my family was awake. All but my father, probably. I missed him.

"They're awake!" I heard the girl exclaim. Very loudly. Some birds actually flew out of the trees. She jumped up and down a few times, and those who were near her backed away. "Hi there! I'm Mabel Pines!"

"Mabel, we just saw them come out of a portal from who knows where," her brother said, stepping in front of her. "For all we know, they have an alliance with Bill!"

Jay looked at the rest of us before saying, "I don't think any of us have met anyone named Bill. And none of our names are Bill."

"See, they're fine, Dipper," Mabel said.

"They could be lying."

"You're just paranoid because he used your body as a puppet, brobro. Besides, weren't you just talking about parallel dimensions or whatever existing earlier? Maybe they're from a universe where Bill doesn't even exist."

The rest of us exchanged nervous glances at the whole 'used your body as a puppet' thing. Cole politely coughed as if to remind them that we're still here.

"Care to explain?" he asked.

"Which part?" Jay laughed.

"All of its good, but where we are is a good start."

"Oh, right," Mabel said.

"We don't even know you people," Dipper interrupted.

"Well, that's a good place to start," Jay said, standing. He pointed to us as he said our names. "Jay Walker, my girlfriend Nya Smith, her brother Kai, our awesome nindroid brother Zane Julien, the worst cook on the face of Ninjago Cole Brooks--"

"Hey!" Cole protested, but Jay grinned smugly and continued.

"--this blond pipsqueak is Lloyd Garmadon, his mom Misako, and his uncle and our teacher, Sensei Wu. Now, where are we, and why were you talking about parallel dimensions?"

"Well, you're in Gravity Falls, Oregon," Mabel replied. "We're in the woods near our Grunkle--that's short for great uncle--Stan's house."

"And what part of Ninjago is Oregon in?" Kai asked.

"Ninjago?" they repeated. "We're in America."

"Which means I was right," Mabel smirked. "They are from a parallel dimension. Alpha twin! Alpha twin!"

Dipper facepalmed. "I thought you forgot about that day. And did you even know what a parallel dimension was before this morning?"

"Of course, you ramble on and on about them all the time, and I do occasionally listen to your nerd rants."

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Anyway, if you're from an alternate universe, than clearly the portal is transuniversal. Oh, I have to write that down."

He pulled out a thick, leather bound book and a pen. Mabel rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, Lloyd, where's your dad? It seems like the rest of your family's here."

I felt myself sadden. "He's trapped in another dimension. He went there to save ours."

Mabel looked at me like she had regretted asking. She immediately ran forward and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry," she said.

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd he get trapped?" Dipper asked no one in particular, looking up from his book.

Jay answered. "Well, in order to save Ninjago, he banished himself to the Cursed Realm, which released the souls of snake-people that drove away the fake snake-people, or anacondrai."

"Actually," Mom corrected, "Lloyd banished him. He couldn't banish himself."

Everyone who didn't know that before looked confused at what my mom said.

"Wait, why did you have to banish him in the first place?" Dipper asked.

"So we could get the ex-anacondrai generals into the over world," I explained. "It was the only way to defeat the fake anacondrai. Since he banished them, they could only be released if he was banished."

"So, if you want your father back could you have someone who's good with being trapped in an alternate universe banish you, bringing your father back, then have someone banish them, bringing you back?" Dipper suggested.

This kid was full of questions.

"That's actually a good idea," Cole said. "Sensei, do you think that would work?"

"That would only work if you do not die upon entering the Cursed Realm," my uncle stated. "So it is possible. But, we can not be certain. It would be to dangerous. Potentially lethal." He paused. "But I, too, want Garmadon back. I say we try it."

We cheered at his last statement. I was going to get my father back again. I couldn't be happier.

Meanwhile, in the Cursed Realm: Garmadon's POV

I ran. For the past few days, I have been running a lot. There were a lot of monsters in the Cursed Realm.

Did I regret my decision to allow myself get sent here? Slightly. I knew that Ninjago was safe, which made me feel better. I just hope my son, brother, and Misako are alright.

Does anyone know what Cole's actual last name is? His is never consistent among FanFics, and I don't think it's ever been said in the show.

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