Chapter 16

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I've decided to start adding the date so I can keep it on line with the show's timing. This takes place the same day as last chapter.

July 29th, 2012: Jay's POV

While Nya and the new ninja have been training all week, I've been charged with repairing the Bounty. Ford and Zane have been helping a lot, but today Ford was out somewhere and Zane was teaching Cole how to cook again. I know Nya would help, but she, the Senseis, and Misako are at the lake training.

So, here I am, below deck, tinkering with the engine. I've pulled out the blueprints from when I originally added the flying feature to our ship. But I still can't figure out what's wrong with it! Maybe this dimension's laws of- no because it's like a plane. And I've seen a few of those around.

"Ughh!" I flop onto my back and stare at the ceiling. "What am I missing?" I ask myself.

Then it hits me. We might be low on fuel.

I race up the stairs to check the fuel gauge, and laugh. We were just low on fuel! An entire week and we didn't even bother to look at the gauge. I start laughing harder, and eventually the others come in to see me gasping for breath on the floor.

"What the Hell, dude?" Kai says.

I finally catch my breath, and gasp out, "We were just low on fuel."

The others don't find that funny, only stupid. They all face palm in unison, which was awesome.

"Well, we're all idiots," Cole sighs. Everyone else murmurs their agreement before asking me where we can get fuel.

"How am I supposed to know? I haven't left the Bounty since we went to the Mall."

"Yeah, weren't the twins supposed to give us a tour of the town?" Zane asked.

We all nodded as we remembered that. (If you don't remember that, that was back in chapter 3.)

I volunteered to go get the fuel, and Lloyd asked to come with me. I agreed, and we changed into the clothes we bought at the Mall a week ago. Lloyd had black sneakers, olive cargo pants, and a green t-shirt. I had gray sneakers, denim shorts, and a blue t-shirt. We jumped off the Bounty, and headed for where I knew the Mystery Shack was. We could most likely get to town by a road leading there, right?

Lloyd and I walked in silence, which made it easier to hear the bustle of tourists near the Shack when we got close enough to hear it. We doubled our pace, and soon came across the run down building. A tour bus was loading, and a quick shared glance with Lloyd and we got on.

They luckily weren't asking for money for the ride, or we wouldn't have been able to go on. We took a seat in the far back of the bus, where no one else was sitting.

"Do you have any money?" I asked Lloyd.

"I thought you did," he replied.

"Great, how are supposed to get the fuel now? And don't say stealing."

"Maybe one of the twins will be in town, and we can ask them for money. We might want to find out how much fuel costs first."

I nodded. We now have a plan.

Time jump to when they're in town because I don't want to write about a boring bus ride.

The town looks nothing like the towns in Ninjago. They were either farming towns or cities. Gravity Falls has many modern buildings, but no skyscrapers. I can just see a large mansion on the hill, but that's as fancy as it gets. There are lots of shops and houses, and even a prison surrounded by barbed fencing.

It didn't take to long to find a gas station. It was selling fuel for $3.81 a gallon. Multiply that by the 3,600 gallons we need for just an hour of flight... Oh First Spinjitzu Master! I pull Lloyd aside.

"You don't think they have $13,716, do ya?"

"WHAT? Jay, I don't think the gas station has that much fuel. Maybe an airport does."

"Then maybe I can convert the engine to run on vegetable oil or something."

Regardless, we decided to find the Mall, as Mabel might be there. Sure enough, 10 minutes later we found her with three other girls her age. One was blonde, and the others I recognized as Candy and Grenda.

After the blonde--Pacifica--Lloyd and I introduced ourselves to each other, I explained why we weren't on the Bounty. Mabel didn't quite seem to understand why we needed fuel, as she asked if we could just use magic to propel the Bounty. She seemed disappointed at the negative response.

Morro's POV, about half an hour later.

I watched enviously as Lloyd changed back into his gi. My gi.

"I probably wouldn't get in trouble for a little haunting," I think to myself.

Unfortunately, Ivy called Bill and I back right then. Lloyd is so lucky I need to leave.

3,600 gallons is about 13,627 liters. Thanks, United States, for having to be unique with measurements.

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