Chapter 17

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Completely villian centric chapter!

July 29th, 2012. 11:59 pm. Bill's POV

Yet another day of watching Pine Tree and Shooting Star, then getting yelled at by my sister for no reason, finally over. Pine Tree and Sixer managed to recruit Penta-Star to their cause. And now they're working on getting him out of jail. If Ivy hadn't said we can't interfere with the people on my Wheel, I would screw with the lot of them. Make sure Penta-Star didn't get out.

Speaking of the Wheel, Llama is now staying at the Shack, because she ran away. It was very interesting to watch Shooting Star convince Crescent to let Llama stay.

Ivy's actually really happy about today's events, as it makes her plan easier to unfold. Well, the events I recounted to her. Morro informed us that the ninja have found out what was wrong with their flying ship. He begged Ivy to mess with it, but she denied. When we asked why, she answered cryptically.

"It will play out, in time," was her response. Still, she was furious. Had Morro not been a ghost, he would have been burnt to a crisp. I really wished he had been, because he's currently singing in his room. Very loudly and off key. For the past half hour.

I've had enough. I drop down from the ceiling where I was hovering and land on all fours. It's much easier to it in human form, which is why I'm in it. Besides, he hasn't seen me in this form yet, so I should give him a scare.

Hovering slightly above the ground, I slowly open Morro's door. My hand ignites in blue flame, and I take aim. A slight wrist flick flings it towards his head.


I fall into the room laughing hysterically. Then laugh harder as he screams like a little girl again as he notices I'm not in demon form.

"You- that was priceless," I gasp. "I-I should have recorded that."

"Oh shut up, you triangle."

"Ah, ah, ah. I'm not a triangle right now. You can't call me something I'm not."

"So I can call you a little piece of-"

"BOYS!" Ivy screams right outside the door. She's wearing her pink nightgown, but if you think that means she can't look intimidating, then you are so wrong. Her green hair was flaming, her eyes had turned completely red, and her skin had darkened considerably, almost to the color of ash. That meant she was pissed.

"Sorry, Master," Morro said quickly.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry to disrupt your much needed beauty sleep, sis. Seriously, you need it."

Most people probably wouldn't want to play with the fire of my sister's wrath, but I'm a pyromaniac. I love messing with fire.

"Shall we take this to the dueling room, little brother?" She asked, venom dripping from her words.


"I- I'll just stay h-here," Morro stammered.

Ivy and I nodded. She teleported us to the dueling room, which is made of flame-proof, blast-proof material. We needed to rebuild it quite a few times, which is why we finally settled for this.

Ivy was quickly surrounded by rainbow flames, and when they dispersed, she was wearing battle armor. I did the same with my blue flames, and we squared off. Neither of us made the first move for a long time. Instead, we circled each other, trying to probe the other's mind.

You'd think it'd be hard to keep a mental shield up, try to probe your sibling's mind, and walk in a perfect circle at the same time. But after doing it for so long, Ivy and I have gotten very good at it.

Finally, we became impatient, and hurled twin fireballs at each other. Had we not done this a trillion times, it would have been amazing to watch the light show between the blue and rainbow fireballs colliding. The first few times, we were so captivated by it we'd just keep doing that.

But that was the past. Now, we summoned more fire and hurled it at each other, while floating up and dodging the other's. After a few minutes, we summoned swords. The sound of metal on metal made us both smile. We'd never get tired of that sound.

Hours later, as the sun was rising, Ivy's sword slid under mine and impaled me.

Ivy laughed. "Take that, bro!"

I yanked the sword out and repaired the hole in my stomach. "Yeah, yeah. 514,645,987,231 to you. 485,354,012,769 to me." Don't ask how I've kept count.

"Yes. Now, you and Morro go watch the people. I'll clean this up."

She meant my blood.

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