Chapter 30

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August 24th, UFO. Jay's POV.

"I can't believe there's been a giant UFO under the town this whole time," Dipper said.

"IT'S AMAZING!" I yelled.

"Jay, we can hear you just fine," Zane said. "It is amazing, though."

"I wish my mind could be where yours is right now, kids," Ford said. "When confirmation of extraterrestrials still had that punch. Now it's just sort of 'eh.' McGucket and I used to come down here all the time to raid their tech and study their language."

"This is so cool!" Dipper laughed as he takes a selfie with some of the alien language. Zane and I walk up to it.

"This is an extremely intricate design of characters," Zane said.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, Ford, can this thing fly?"

"No. All the switches and buttons have been busted for millions of years," he answered.




"Now," Ford continued, "the substance we need to seal the rift is an alien adhesive. Strong enough to keep the hull of a spacecraft together. Just one dollop of this adhesive should be enough to seal a crack in space-time. Also, if it touches you it will seal up all the orifices in your face," he brings out his magnet gun and cocks it, "so try to avoid that. Now, use your magnet gun and follow me. Hup!"

Ford takes a running jump off of where we're standing, attaching his magnet gun to a pillar, and slides down it.


"Jay, I'm fairly certain the entire town just heard you," Zane said in deadpan.

"Shutting up."

Ford reaches the bottom and turns on a light. "Your turn!" he calls up. "Say 'hup'! It helps!"

I shrug, activate the ray, jump, and say "Hup!" I almost forgot to pull the trigger, which would have been embarrassing. Luckily, I do. "WOO HOOOOOOOO!" I scream as I spin down the pole. "C'mon guys!"

Zane comes down next. "That was fun."

"Ah!" Dipper yells, followed by a crash. "A little help?"

"Not it!" I say. Zane facepalms.

Grenda's house. Lloyd's POV

Since we didn't know if Candy and Grenda were at the Shack or one of their houses, we just guessed. Luckily, they answered the door when Mabel knocked on the first place we tried.

"Oh hi, Mabel!" Grenda said, Candy popping up behind her. "You're just in time for our 1 o'clock boy talk." She looked at me. "You can be the topic of the day."

"I'm good," I said hurriedly.

"If you think that's good..." Mabel said, pulling out one of her birthday fliers, "Boom! Me and Dipper's 13th birthday jam!"

Grenda looked at the poster. "Aw, man. Your birthday's on the last day of summer? I'm not gonna be here."

"What?!" Mabel and I exclaimed.

"Marius is flying me out to Austria to hang out in his castle or whatever that week. He's so clingy!"

"You're gonna be out of town for my birthday?" Mabel turned to Candy. "But at least you can come, right, Candy? "

"Sorry, Mabel. My parents send me to music camp this time of year. There is no escape from music camp."

"So neither of you are gonna be at my birthday party?" Mabel clarified. "And you won't be able to wish me goodbye at the end of the summer?"

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