Chapter 11

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The Bounty: Kai's POV

Yesterday, the entire town of Gravity Falls had a gravity failure. Today we're gonna ask the Pines twins, Dipper and Mabel, if they know anything about that. Jay assured us constantly that he didn't cause it. Today is also the twins' first day of ninja training. Luckily, the Bounty was one of the few things in town that remained intact, otherwise we'd have no equipment to train them.

"Do you think that the gravity anomaly could be a frequent occurring event in the town?" Zane asked this morning at breakfast.

"No," Lloyd and I replied.

"Did you see how freaked out everyone was?" Cole asked. "There's no way gravity turning off could be a normal thing!"

"Unless someone, or something, erased that from all the native's memories," Jay said. We all stared at him. "What? Don't you guys remember that Dipper and Mabel told us about people who liked to erase memories? What if they did that before? They obviously can't do that now, 'cause the twins erased those people's memories, but it's possible, right?"

"Yeah, but do you know how long it would take to erase everyone's memories," Nya asked.

"Well, they could hook it up to a speaker and convert it from erasing memories by a light beam to erasing memories by sound waves," Nya said.

"That is possible," Sensei Wu added.

A few minutes later, we walked out on the deck and we started to spar. Nya v.s. Lloyd, me v.s. Jay, and Cole v.s. Zane. Then I sparred against Cole while Lloyd sat out to wait for a winner. He then faced Cole, and won.

A few seconds after the matches ended, a grappling hook caught on the side of the ship. A few seconds later, Dipper and Mabel were on deck.

"Cool grappling hook," Nya said to Mabel.

"Thanks," Mabel said back. Then she turned to the rest of us. "So, we're gonna train today?"

"Yep," Jay answered. Then he walked over to the activation button and pushed it. The exact same training arena that I first trained at popped up. It brought back so many memories... of me failing and falling on my face. And that one time I actually beat the course.

"Whoa!" the twins said in unison.

"First," Garmadon said, "we have a question for you. Why did the gravity fail yesterday?"

"Wait, you remember that?" Dipper asked.

"Why shouldn't we?" Lloyd asked.

"Our great-uncle Ford hooked up the memory eraser to a sound thingy and wiped the town's memory of that happening," Mabel explained.

"Told you that could happen," Nya said.

"We remember because I saw in the spirit smoke that you two were covering your ears, so I guessed that it had to be for something important. So I told everyone to cover their ears as well," Sensei Wu explained.

"Okay," Dipper replied, giving Sensei an odd look. "The gravity failures were created by a portal in our basement that was activated by our great-uncle Stan in order to get our great-uncle Ford, his brother, out of an unknown location. That's all we know."

We let the information seep in, then Sensei said: "You must finish the course before I finish my tea. Otherwise, you fail, and will have to do it again." He grabbed his teapot and sat off to the side. "Ladies first," he added as he poured his first cup of tea.

"Isn't someone going to demonstrate?" Dipper asked.

"Nope," I said, walking and sitting beside Sensei. "You two will be trained the same way I was, by failing and learning from your mistakes."

Now everyone was sitting around Sensei to watch Mabel have a go at the course. After the entire day, Dipper and Mabel both failed in the exact same ways, which were the same ways I had failed, and then some. Though unlike my training, Sensei wasn't the only one announcing failure.

"Can we take a break now?" Mabel finally asked. "The sun's going down."

"Yeah," Dipper added. He stretched. "Everything hurts."

"Yes, you may go home now. But you must come back tomorrow to resume," Sensei said.

Relieved, the twins left.

Basement: Ford's POV {Writing in Journal}

{I still cant believe Stanley! Stealing my name, 'borrowing' my house, lying to the world, lying to Ma and Pa. To make sure no accident like the one that happened yesterday and 30 years ago, I've decided to dismantle the portal. All the hard work that went into it. Gone. But, it's for the best. It could have ripped the town apart. But luckily it didn't.}

I sighed and closed Journal 1. The one I tossed to Stanley when I was sucked into the portal. I looked at my watch. Dinner should be done. So I went upstairs.

"Hey Stanley," I said.

"Hey, the kids aren't with you?" Stanley asked.

"No, you told me to stay away from them. They're missing?"

"They've been gone all day. I'm starting to get worried."

"Did you see where they went off to?"

"Somewhere in the forest. You are not looking for them, Stanford!"

"But they could be in danger!"

"Who could be in danger?" a new voice asked.

We both looked at the door, where Dipper and Mabel were standing.

"Where have you two been all day?" Stanley and I asked at the same time.

"We were in the woods," Mabel said.

"Right, and I assume you were with the people on the ship?" my brother asked.

'People on the ship?' I thought.

"Yep," Dipper answered.

"Listen," Stanley said. "Tomorrow you're gonna lead me out their and show me that ship. In the meantime, let's eat. I'm hungry."

As we walked to the kitchen, Dipper asked me, "You believe us, right Great-Uncle Ford?"

"It seems strange," I reply. "But, this is Gravity Falls. Anything could happen."

Satisfied with the answer, Dipper ran the rest of the way to the kitchen. That kid sure reminds me of, well, me.

The Bounty: Nya's POV

It was Cole's turn to cook again, so we didn't eat. We all begged Zane to teach Cole how to cook, finally, because you shouldn't be able to set the inside of the pot on fire, while there's water in it. And it also shouldn't take the ice ninja plus a few buckets of water to put out said fire.

After Zane took Cole back into the kitchen for a lesson on the basics, we decided to spar again. Me v.s. Jay and Lloyd v.s. Kai. Luckily, Jay was to busy trying to flirt with me, so I won easily. Lloyd and Kai's match went on for an hour. Finally, Lloyd won, but he was to out of breath to spar against me, so we had to pause our match.

When we came in, we saw that Zane had remade dinner, and we ate hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs, and fries, with chocolate cake for desert. Like usual when Zane cooks, it was delicious, and Cole ate all the cake.

"Cole!" we all said.

"What?" he asked, and we all laughed.

Afterwards, Lloyd and I did our sparring match, and he won. Then Zane and Cole sparred, in which Zane won. (Cole had eaten the entire cake, so he was pretty slow.) Then it was Zane v.s. Lloyd. That match took an hour and a half. In the end, Lloyd almost passed out, so Zane was declared the winner. After that match, we all went to bed, and I heard that Lloyd fell asleep when his head hit the pillow.

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