Chapter 22

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Sunday, August 12th, 5 am. Bill's POV

"Morro," I whisper to the ghost. He falls out of bed in fear, and I laugh.

"What do you want, you demon?"

"I've finally thought of a way to mess with the kids."

"And that is?"

"Running for Mayor of Gravity Falls."

Same day, 1 pm. Still Bill's POV

My plan went off perfectly. After telling the Grim Reaper that the Mayor needed to be offed, he claimed his soul, and now the town is holding a meeting for candidates. I made sure to conjure a hat, but summoned a baseball cap instead of my usual top hat. The Pines kids were there, and I'm pretty sure they'd find that suspicious.

Bud Gleeful was the first to throw his hat in the ring. He distracts from a question by giving everyone half off a used car.

'What is he, Oprah?' I think as I rip the card up.

Seeing as no one else throws their hat in, Bud raises the gavel. Stanley Pines' fez lands in circle right before mine did. Both of our hats earn gasps from everyone else in the room.

Mabel's POV

I can hear Grunkle Stan talking to Bud, but I tune him out. I turn around to see the other person who threw their hat in with Stan. A blond man was standing at the back. He was wearing all yellow, which on any other person would be a fashion emergency, but he made it look good. I poke Dipper.

"Look, he also threw his hat in," I say to him.

"I've never seen that guy before," he says. "Where do you think he got yellow pants?"

"They're around."

Suddenly, everyone else in the room cheers and throws their hat in the circle. I watch as the blond turns around and leaves, a smirk on his face.

Everyone else but Grunkle Stan starts to leave, chanting 'election!' We walk up to Stan and try to convince him running is a bad idea. But, he insists on doing it. We give up and decide to help Stan, putting on matching hats and Stan buttons.


As Dipper and Mabel are testing out Ford's tie until Wednesday, Bill is hastily throwing together his campaign. He's using many methods from history, though refrains from using any medieval methods, despite it being his favorite time period.

By the Wednesday Stump Speech, Bill is fully registered as Chip Ir Bell, which is an anagram for Bill Cipher.

"Friends of this quiet town," he starts off. "I may seem new to town, but I can assure you, I am the right man for the job! I will reduce taxes for the middle class, donate to the elderly and homeless, and make sure that children are properly educated. Thank you."

His speech is met with applause, but Stan, with the help of Dipper and Mabel, do better.

The rest of Wednesday and all of Thursday are full of speeches from all the candidates. Tyler, while pretty much being unknown before, is doing great in polls. Stan's team is in the lead the entire time, with an enraged Bud close behind. Bill, as Chip, knows what people want, and appeals to that, but he still ranks third.

By Friday's election, there are 4 people left, 5 if you count the last minute entry of Soos. Bill, Stan, Bud, Tyler, are the other 4. The ninja and Stan's campaign team can be seen in the crowd, the ninja all wearing the clothes they bought from the mall so long ago. They're also all sporting 'Vote Stan' buttons.

Bill, having still watched the other members of his Wheel, knew Bud was having a little help from his messed up son.

Friday, August 17th, Election, 1 pm. Bill's POV

When Shandra called intermission, I immediately went to Bud.

"Hey, Gideon," I said, "follow me."

"Why, I don't know what yo-"

"Gideon, it's Bill. I know it's you. And I know you were gonna go to the Pines twins." For added effect, I conjured a flame.

"What do you want?" he sounded nervous.

"You can't do it."

"Why not?"

"You just can't, kid!"

Bud rolled his eyes and shove me out of the way. 'He'll regret that later,' I thought to myself as I returned to the stage.


Sure enough, Gideon does regret it. After being tied up, Dipper and Mabel manage to hop out of the stone Mayor's nose. Stan goes up to rescue them, which leads to him winning the polls.

Gideon throws a tantrum, and Bud mimics, still being possessed by him. Everyone else enjoys a laugh.

Stan's victory was short-lived, as later that night, he was disqualified for his crimes. It was then revealed that only Tyler and Chip filled out their paperwork, but since Chip wasn't a legal resident of Gravity Falls, Tyler won the mayorship.

August 17th, 9 pm. Ford's POV

I wander up to the living room and flip on the TV to watch some mindless cartoons before bed.

"We now return to hour 3 of Stanford Pines' crime list," the news reporter said.


That last bit is inspired by a fan art, that I can't find. Not mine, but I don't remember whose it is. If anyone does know what I'm talking about, could you comment a link to it?

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