Chapter 3

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Cursed Realm: Garmadon's POV

I was panting hard. No one should ever be in the Cursed Realm. There are monsters here from other dimensions and plants that try to encage you. I had just went out for food, and at least ten attacked me.

I finally managed to escape and made it back to my shelter and made myself some dinner. Life here was going to be rough.

Gravity Falls Mall: Cole's POV

We were going to get Garmadon back. A few months ago, none of us would think about helping that guy. Time really changes stuff.

But before we can rescue him, the twins, Dipper and Mabel, said we should all get a change of clothes, because once we get Garmadon and Lloyd back, the twins are going to give us a tour, considering we don't know how long we're going to be here. So, we're shopping. How fun.

Mabel was forcing Nya to try on almost everything, so it was taking forever. The rest of us finished half an hour ago. So we left them and went to a video game store called Beebly Boop's. Well, Sensei and Misako stayed with the girls, for supervision.

"Be careful," Dipper told us, "some of these games might come alive."

We laughed, and Kai said, "Dude, are you sure about that?"

Dipper nodded. "Our friend Soos bought a dating simulator, and it kind of went over possessive of him, trashed a pizza restaurant, tried to kill me, Mabel, and his girlfriend, and tried to download his brain into the game."

"Really?" I asked, no longer seeing humor in his statement.

"Yeah. Another time, I got a video game fighter to be my bodyguard because I accidentally got in a fight, and he tried to kill me and the kid who challenged me."

"Wow," Jay breathed. "Any thing else we should know? Including the whole 'mysterious guy named Bill used your body as a puppet' thing."

Dipper sighed. "Forget about that last part. It's not important. As for anything you should know, this town is completely crazy. One person documented his discoveries in this Journal." He pulled out a kind of beat up journal with a golden 6-fingered hand with a 3 on it from his vest. "He disappeared 30 years ago, and never finished writing this one." Dipper flipped through to the back, showing us that about half the pages were empty.

"Where are the others?" Zane asked.

"I don't know. Well, I assume this crazy child psychic Gideon Gleeful had one, because he nearly destroyed the town trying to get this one."

"What?!" Jay exclaimed. "How old's Gideon?"

"Ten. And by nearly destroyed the town, I mean he hired a crazy old man to make him a giant killer robot that looked like himself."

"Ugh," Mabel said. We all turned around, except Dipper because he was already facing the entrance. Next to her stood Sensei, Misako, and Nya. "Why are you talking about Gideon?"

"Zane asked where the other Journals were, and I told him that Gideon must have had one since he built that killer robot." Dipper answered.

The new comers (excluding Mabel) stared at Dipper like he lost his mind.

"Hey, one thing we've learned this summer is never be surprised at what Gravity Falls can throw at you," Dipper stated.

"Well," Sensei said, "we all have some new clothes now. Let us go back to the Bounty and rescue Lee. When we finish, you two shall tell us of all of your adventures and discoveries."

We all nodded, and everyone but Misako, Dipper, and Mabel said, "Yes Sensei."

Exiting the mall, I noticed that no one was giving Zane a second look. Is this town really so weird that seeing a Nindroid doesn't bother anyone? I mean, if I was from a parallel universe and I saw a man made of titanium, I would freak out a little bit.

Heading back to the Bounty, Lloyd looked nervous and excited. I understood. If you die upon entering the Cursed Realm, then we're sending him to his death. Even if you don't, what are the chances of finding Garmadon? We might accidentally release killer monsters or something. Personally, I still can't believe Sensei is allowing this to happen. But we were going to do it.

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