Chapter 8

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Mystery Shack Basement: Bill's POV

"Man, this portal is getting really strong," Crescent Claw says to himself. "Don't worry, Stanford. You'll be home this week."

I try hard not to say or do anything. Ivy would have my head if I did. The temptation to talk becomes too strong, so I quickly fly up to Pine Tree and Shooting Star's bedroom. They're sleeping so peacefully, I just have to jump into one of their dreams and destroy the peace. But they start to wake up before I get the chance and I have to quickly fly outside before they see me. I still don't get why I can't talk to anyone besides Morro, but trust me, you do not want to disobey my sister. Last time I did, my room exploded for a week. Don't ask how.

"Morning, Mabel," I hear Pine Tree say.

"Mornin' Dip!" Shooting Star responds. "Ready to tell the ninjas?"

"Yeah. Now or never, I guess. We should get breakfast first though."

"Oh, yeah. Can't forget breakfast!"

I laugh quietly. Shooting Star always makes me laugh. Except when she's trying to destroy me, of course. I follow them downstairs, sticking to the shadows.

"Hey, do you think the ninjas would want some Mabel Juice?" Shooting Star asks.

"Um, no," Pine Tree answers. "I think they may stay up for a few weeks if they had that, if they're like me. Seriously though, how do you manage to fall asleep every night when you drink that every day?"

"I have no clue. I guess that's a mystery that may never be solved."

They both laugh, and Shooting Star starts making pancakes, using Mabel Juice in the batter. Luckily for Pine Tree, not that much.

GF Forest: Morro's POV

The ninja have been up since sunrise, and finally, at 7 am, just over an hour since they started, they take a break for breakfast. Sensei makes them train way more than he made me train. Why? Are there more dangers? I need to know. But Master said that Bill and I can only talk to each other, so I can't ask them.

After the ninja had breakfast, the Pines twins and Bill showed up. "Hey Bill," I said to him.

He didn't reply other than saying, "They're telling the ninja, we'll find out their powers in a few minutes."

"Master wants to know their powers, right?"

Bill nodded, I think. He really just bent his body in half. "So shut up and let's watch."

The Bounty, an hour prior: Jay's POV

"Who let Cole cook breakfast again?" Nya asked as we sat down for burnt pancakes, burnt waffles, raw sausage, and raw eggs. There was also frozen coffee and scalding hot orange juice.

"Me," Cole answered. "It was my turn. Besides, this is, somewhat edible."

"Hey, where's Zane?" I asked.

"He better be making edible food," Kai said.

"Hey! This is edible," Cole declared.

"Not to most people," Lloyd retorted.

A few minutes later, Zane came in, took all of Cole's inedible food away, and brought back edible food. And, him being a nindroid, everything was cooked to perfection. We all ate quickly, because Cole also cooked dinner last night and used the last of the ingredients in the process, so we were hungry.

"I will have to go into town today and get more ingredients," Zane informed us.

We all just nodded and continued eating. When we were done, Zane took all of our plates and brought them into the kitchen.

"I will wash those later," he said to himself.

We all walked out on to the deck, just as the Pines twins climbed up.

"Hey guys," they said in unison.

"Hey," we said in unison, while Sensei and Misako said, "Hello."

"We have decided that we accept your offer," Dipper said to Sensei.

"Excellent," Sensei said. "Ninja-GO!" He turned into his golden tornado of Spinjitzu, went near the twins, then backed away and stopped. When he backed away from them, they were wearing ninja outfits. Mabel's was pink and sparkly, and Dipper's was a coppery color. "Mabel, master of glitter. Dipper, master of tech."

"Whoa!" they both said. "Cool!"

"Hey, what was that spinney thing you did?" Mabel asked.

"That was Spinjitzu," Garmadon said. "And all of the boys here, except Dipper for now, can do it."

"Hey, I'm learning," Nya said.

"Can you show us?" Dipper asked.

As an answer, we yelled, "NINJA-GO!" and whipped into our elemental tornados. When we stopped and looked at Dipper, we all noticed he was writing in his Journal again.

"That is so cool!" both twins said. "So the colors of the tornadoes represent your element?" Dipper added.

"Yep," I said. "Also our gis."

"I do have one more thing to say," Sensei said. "Well two. First, Pines twins, what is the plural for ninja?"

"Ninjas," they both said.

"Wrong," we all said. "It's still ninja."

"Really?" they asked.

We all nodded. "Second thing," Sensei said. "Nya, we believe-"

"Wu, she is not ready," Misako and Garmadon said.

"No, she is ready," Sensei insisted. "Nya, did you know your mother was the master of water?"

"Uhh, no. You mean-"

"-yes. As Kai took on the traits of your father to become a fire ninja, you are to become the master of water."

Nya fainted and Kai ran up to her.

"Huh. You're both right. She was not ready."

Much later at night, when Bill and Morro have arrived at Ivy's fortress: Bill's POV

"... and apparently that girl Nya is the master of water," I finished telling my sister.

"That is very bad for you, Morro, huh?" Ivy remarked.

"Yes," he answers. "If she develops the ability to do what the others do and shoot her element out of her hands, if she finds me and knows that ghosts die in water, then it's game over for me."

"You'll be fine, both of you go to your rooms," Ivy said. "I have some more planning to do." So we flew to our rooms.

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