Chapter 27

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August 23rd, Widow's Peak. No POV

As Darlene was preparing a drink, Stan, ever the pessimist, was praying to Paul Bunyan. Dareth was praying to the First Spinjitzu Master, and Zane, Cole, and Ronin just rolled their eyes. The last three actually had faith in their friends.

And of course, a few seconds later, Grenda came storming in ahead of the others, knocking webs out of the way and making the trapped males fall to the ground. Everyone was freed and running when Darlene came back in.

"No! Where are you?" she yells, enraged. Figuring there was only one place to run to, she headed to the entrance of the cave.

"The sky tram!" Candy yells.

"No, wait!" Jay interrupted, skidding to a stop. "This is a perfect opportunity to unlock Spinjitzu!"

"How?" Dipper asked.

"The first time we were able to do it, we were fighting a threat," Kia explained. "It worked for all of us. So, you just need to attack the old 8-legged freak."

"That's crazy!" Mabel yelled. "Zane and Cole couldn't take her down!"

"She ambushed us," Cole defended.

"You have a much better chance at defeating her, as there are five of you, and there were only two of us," Zane added.

By then Darlene had caught up, so they had no choice but to fight. The ninja, Nya, Dareth, and Ronin casually stepped back, the ninja occasionally firing their elemental powers to distract the spider-person.

Eventually, a flickering copper whirlwind formed around Dipper. It strengthened when a rainbow one formed around Mabel. One by one, Candy, Grenda, and Stan also gained a whirlwind, all matching their gi colors.

"Okay, okay, I surrender!" Darlene yelled.

The five stopped and looked at each other. They were now wearing their gis.

"Was that Spinjitzu?" Mabel asked.

The ninja nodded. Various cheers were heard even at the bottom of the mountain, courtesy of Mabel. They did it a few more times, enjoying the thrill of it. Well, Stan only did it one more time, to change back into his normal outfit.

As they were walking down the mountain, Stan's phone went off.

"Hello? ... Put you on speaker? Ford, I don't know how to do that. ..."

Mabel took his phone and hit the speaker button. "Hi, Grunkle Ford!"

"Hello, Mabel. You will never guess what happened at the Shack today."

Ignoring Stan's instant smile at his brother calling his house the Shack, Dipper played along. "What?"

"A herd of Manotaurs broke in when Fiddleford opened a bag of beef jerky, and, feeling they were a threat, Pacifica and Gideon started attacking them. Then they unlocked Spinjitzu. And Wendy and Robbie just called. Wendy said a Gremloblin attacked her family picnic and she attacked it with Spinjitzu. Robbie skipped Spinjitzu and can control the dead!"

"Awesome," nearly everyone said. Ronin and Dareth just looked confused.

"We unlocked Spinjitzu too," Stan said. "Which means I finally did something before you. Ha!"

"Oh, I've known Spinjitzu for years. I just didn't want to tell you."

Stan's face fell.

"Wait, you all unlocked Spinjitzu? How did that happen?"

"Some half spider, half person kidnapped Grunkle Stan and we came in there and were like: Pow! Chop! Spin!" Mabel exclaimed, emphasising each word with a punch, chop, and spin, respectively, even though Ford couldn't see it.

"You'll have to tell me all about that. Even Soos unlocked it?"

The gang looked around. "I think we left Soos at the Corn Maze," Jay said.

The Pines facepalmed. "We're on our way home, Sixer, just need to pick up Soos," Stan said, hanging up.

As they began walking again, Dipper and Stan dropped to the back. The younger boy sighed and wiped the girls' phone numbers off his arms. Stan sighed.

"Alright, kid," he said to Dipper. "I gotta admit something. I'm no expert on women. Truth is, I've been divorced once, and slapped more times than I can remember. Confidence can buy you a lot, but at the end of the day, pickup artists tend to get our heads bitten off. When it comes to women, I'm a failure."

Dipper pointed to his arms. "Hey. We're both failures. You know, even if your dating tips were bad, I actually haven't thought about Wendy all day. Plus, you did teach me to be more confident. I guess I just need to learn to use that power for good."

"I wish I could have been more like you when I was your age."

Dipper stopped and hugged him. "But you were. Don't you remember what you and Great Uncle Ford told us? You and him were best friends, just like me and Mabel. When you were kids, nothing could tear you apart. I don't remember you mentioning girls once."

"That's 'cause I didn't care about girls 'till I was in my teens."

"It was you and Ford against the world. I know you would have loved to keep it that way. Now come on, the others are practically back to the RV."

Unknown Location, same day, 11:30 pm. Bill's POV.

"They WHAT!?"

I sighed, knowing I probably shouldn't have told Ivy that. "I said, the Zodiac members unlocked Spinjitzu."

"I heard you, you little twerp! HOW?!"

Morro slowly retreated as Ivy lit herself on fire. Used to her rages, I didn't budge.

"That spider lady, Darlene or something."

"Find her, and kill her."

"Woah. Sis. Chill."

"DO IT!"

By now she was entirely encased in flames, and Morro had retreated back to his room. I've never seen Ivy this mad, so I raise my hands in surrender and teleport away. But, even I can't kill someone. I teleport to the safety of my room, keep the lights off, and dive for my bed.

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