Chapter 23

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August 18th, 9:00 am. News Report

Gideon Gleeful released from prison early per request of Dipper and Ford Pines. He spent a little under a month in prison. For lying to the town, stealing the deed to the Mystery Shack, and trying to kill Dipper and Mabel Pines, he was sentenced to prison for 8 years and 8 months. In exchange, Ford Pines has stated that he will take full custody of Gideon Gleeful and not let him out of his sight for the remainder of Gleeful's sentence. If at any time Gleeful becomes too much, Pines can place him back in prison for the remainder of his sentence.

9:05 am. Dipper's POV

Great Uncle Ford and I know Gideon's glad that he's out of jail, but he's already tried to escape our grasp 12 times in the past half hour. We finally convince him that there's no way out, and he gives up.

We didn't have time to bring him to the Shack, so we went straight from the courthouse to the Bounty, where everyone was waiting. Like everyone else was, he's confused at the ship in the middle of the woods. Then, when we get on the deck, he instantly tries to flirt with Mabel. Lloyd seems a little mad at that, but I seem to be the only one who notices.

Sensei Wu annonces Gideon as the ninja of gravity, and he now sports a pale blue gi. It's a very similar color to his old tuxedo. Ford takes out Journal 2, where he's been documenting our progress, and checks off the Penta-Star in the Cipher Wheel. He clears his throat.

"Now, I'm fairly certain you're all wondering why we've gathered you here. One reason, Fate brought most of you here. The other is this." He shows everyone the Cipher Wheel. "Many years ago I found ten symbols in a cave. This triangle in the center is a dream demon by the name of Bill Cipher." Gideon stiffens. "I am not sure what it does, but if Bill strikes, we must be prepared."

"But why us?" Robbie asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. But, as you can see, there are twelve of us here, and only ten symbols. Candy and Grenda, if I am correct, you two are not in the Zodiac. But, if Bill strikes, you can still help defeat him, with you being ninja." He turns to the rest of the ninja. "That applies to you too."

Sensei Wu nodded. "Now, I suggest we get back to training."


The twelve that have yet to unlock Spinjitzu disperse between the two training arenas, each with two of the original ninja. Lloyd, Misako, and the Senseis head to the lake to help train Nya further.

After about an hour, all the Pines but Stan can run the course, along with Wendy and Robbie. Candy, Grenda, and Stan can achieve 3/4 of the course, McGucket and Soos can complete half, and Pacifica and Gideon are still at square one.

Bill is watching over their progress, wondering how to mess with them.

Over at the lake, Nya is getting frustrated at the lack of success. Morro is watching over her, laughing in triumph.

"She can't kill me if she can't control water," he says to himself.

By sunset, everyone was tired, Nya was really frustrated, and everyone but Pacifica, Gideon, and Soos, all of who weren't really used to running a lot, had completed the training course at least once.

The Pines decided to show the ninja Greasy's, so the large party marched into the diner. Lazy Susan was excited to have so many people to serve. Everyone was talking and joking around and having a good time. Gideon tried to flirt with Mabel again, so Lloyd sat between the two.

Nya's frustration evaporates when Jay reminds her of how many times he had shocked himself when he first gained control over lightning, and how many times Kai set himself on fire with his power over it. That sends everyone into fits of laughter, even Kai.

Stan told of his wild journeys through the country, being banned from most states, and being thrown in jail. The ninja laughed as that brought to mind Ronin, a criminal back in Ninjago. He'd been thrown in nearly every jail in the country. Stan looked disappointed that he wasn't the best criminal in the universe. Ford muffled a laugh thinking of his own journey through the cosmos, but kept quiet.

When Pacifica complained about the food being too greasy for her, Dipper laughed.

"The diner's called Greasy's for a reason, Pacifica. Get used to it."

Pacifica rolled her eyes.

Everyone else was satisfied with their meal. As they all went their separate ways, Dipper talked to Ford.

"I thought you said you'd also tell everyone about the rift," the younger Pines accused.

"Dipper, my boy. You must understand that few people would know what to do with that information. Most would probably panic."


"That's all, Dipper. I expect you won't tell anyone."

"No, Great Uncle Ford."

Ford ruffled Dipper's hair. "Good boy."

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