Chapter 13

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I apologize for this chapter. I was frustrated with writing Soos' POV.

Mystery Shack: Soos' POV (Before Bill's POV last chapter.)

"Mr. Pines!" I called around the Shack. "Dipper! Mabel! Where are you dudes?" They're never late for work. Where could they be? The town's still in ruins after the gravity failure, so we shouldn't worry about customers, but it's unlike Mr. Pines, not the author dude, to not open the Shack. What if something happened to them? What if I am the last human on Earth? Oh no, this is bad!

"Hey Soos." Good, Wendy's here.

"Wendy!" I say. "Have you seen any of the Pines today?"

"I figured they'd be here. Are you sure you looked everywhere in the Shack for them?" I nodded. "Well than we better go look for them not in the Shack."

"Okay. But where should we look first?"

"The woods, duh. Didn't you tell me that the author's here? They probably went to the bunker we found in the woods."

"But we don't have the password."

"Then let's just call around the forest until we find them. I'll look from some trees."

It was a good idea, so we left the Shack and started calling out their names in the woods. Eventually, we came to a huge clearing with a giant ship in it.

"Whoa!" Wendy and I said together.

"They're probably in there," Wendy said, referring to the ship.

"Yeah, but what if there are pirates on the ship?" I asked. "What if they've taken the Pines hostage? What if they'll take us hostage too? What if -"

"Soos, calm down!" Wendy interrupted. "I can see them, safely, on the deck."

I looked up and saw both sets of Pines twins staring at us and waving. I waved back, glad they're safe.

"Come on up!" Mabel called to us. A ladder then came down from the top.

"I'll go first," Wendy said enthusiastically.

After she made it to the top, I slowly started to climb after her. When I got to the top, I collapsed on the deck, out of breath. That was a long climb. After I regained my breath, I sat up, and Dipper explained where we are, introduced everyone, and told Wendy and I what the other dudes were. The cool part, the dudes on the ship are ninja, and they come from another world! Plus there's a robot! How cool is that?

The dude with a beard was suddenly in a golden tornado. I backed up when it came near me, but then I realized it was heading for the Pines family. When the tornado backed away, Sensei Wu (I remembered his name.) came out of it, and Mr. Pines, Mr. Pines, Dipper, and Mabel were wearing new clothes. Mabel's was so sparkly my eyes hurt, Dipper's was copper-y, Mr. Pines original was wearing dark gray, and the other Mr. Pines was wearing pale yellow.

"Stanley Pines," Sensei Wu said, "master of darkness. "Stanford Pines, master of light. And to the newcomers, Dipper Pines, master of tech, and Mabel Pines, master of Glitter."

Same Place, Same time, Wendy's POV (I can't do Soos's anymore. Sorry.)

"Wait," Stan said. "Are we ninjas now?"

"Yep," Cole answered.

The other Stan pulled out his Journal, furiously scribbling something down. I notice Dipper also writes something down in his Journal. Geez, I now know where he gets his obsession with it from.

"Wait," Soos says. "Can I become a ninja too?"

I metally facepalmed. You don't ask people whether or not you can be a nin-

"Yes, if you have an element deep within you," The Sensei inturrupts my thoughts.

Ok, apparently you can.

"Do I?" Soos asks. Like he can te-

"I will have to consult the spirt smoke, so I will let you know tomorrow," Sensei inturrupts my thoughts again.

Ok, apparently he can.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Sensei?" the robot, Zane I think, asks. "We already have a pretty full team now. More people could lead to more more complications."

"But it also means there are more people to defend this world," Sensei responds. "If they have elements within them, than they shall join our team."

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