Chapter 35

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Sorry for the late update, we didn't have wifi yesterday.

Day "Three" of Weirdmaggedon. Bud Gleeful's Auto-Mart. No POV

"Gideon? I thought you were on our side!" Dipper yelled at the short ten-year-old.

"Dipper?" he replied. "Oh, cut the lights, guys!"

The headlights from the other cars turned off, and Jay sighed with relief. Dipper made a mental note to ask him about that later.

"Now, can you explain what the heck is going on here?!" Jay yelled.

"Bill and his sister kidnapped me and made me prevent you from going to Mabel's bubble. If I let ya'll through, his sister's gonna kill my marshmallow!"

Dipper internally gagged and looked around.

"How will he know if you just let us through?"

"He has eyes everywhere. He's probably watching us right now. That being said, Ghost-Eyes, you know what to do."

"Wait!" a voice called out.

Bill, in his human form, stumbled through a gate. He looked really beat up, and it looked like his arm was broken in a few places.

"I just came from Bill's castle," he panted. "Trust me, there's now way I- Bill will let his sister kill anyone. Other than that ghost they had with them..."

"What was your name again?" Dipper asked.

"Chip R. Bell. Now, I like to be on the move, so I'll be going now." And then Bill ran off.

Dipper looked at Wendy and Jay. Wendy nodded and jumped up to Gideon.

"You heard what that guy said. Give us the key to her bubble, now."

Ghost-Eyes stepped protectively in front of Gideon. "Or what?"

"Or face the wrath of a flippin' CORDUROY!"

She grabbed Ghost-Eyes' arm and judo-flipped him off the truck. Jay shocked him with a low-voltage bolt to keep him on the ground. Meanwhile, Dipper Spinjitzu-ed a few of Gideon's prison buddies away. Wendy ripped the key from Gideon's neck and broke into a cop car. Jay and Dipper hopped in, Dipper in shotgun, Jay in the back.

"Wendy, you're the coolest person I know," Dipper said in awe.

"Hey!" Jay exclaimed.

"I know, dude. Tell me about it later," Wendy said, ignoring the blue-clad teen in the back.

Wendy stomped on the gas pedal and they shot out of the auto-mart.

"Gideon must not believe that Chip guy," Jay noted, looking out the back window. "They're on our tail."

"That's fine," Dipper said, clutching the key. "All we have to do is outrace Gideon's henchmen, unlock the bubble, save Mabel, save the world." He stops as Wendy hits a mailbox. "Quick question: did you ever get your driver's license?"

"Definitely not." Jay's eyes widen at the lumberjill's reply. "Arm!"

She swerves to avoid a giant head with an arm on top of it. One of Gideon's prison buddies wasn't as lucky, and became lunch.

"Maybe I should drive," Jay said.

"No time to change drivers," Wendy replied.

The trio approaches a large stretch of land with madness bubbles scattered around it.

"Watch it! Go around that bubble field!" Dipper and Jay yelled.

"No way around!" Wendy replied. "Hold on! We're goin' through!"

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