Chapter 7

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Mystery Shack: Dipper's POV

This morning, Sensei Wu asked Mabel and I if we wanted to become ninjas. That's crazy! I still don't understand why he asked us. Maybe he thought that with all we've been through, we'll probably encounter more, and knowing how to fight will help us. But, I don't know what to do. While training, we may not be able to fight monsters or look through the Journal. Ugh, I just can't decide.

"You thinking about those ninja and Wu's offer?" Mabel asked me from her position petting Waddles on her bed.

"Yeah," I answered. She probably guessed because I'm lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. "Do you think we should accept the offer?"

Mabel thought for a minute, then flopped back. "To be honest, yes. It would be great to know how to fight monsters and defend ourselves and stuff. Plus, that blond boy is really cute."

I sighed and then laughed. "Yeah, okay. Night Mabel." I turned off my lamp.

"Night Dipper." She turned off her lamp, and we fell asleep.

Gravity Falls Forest, Nya's POV

"Students," Sensei Wu said after dinner. "I have something to tell you before you do your nightly routine." When we were all facing him, he continued. "I have offered the Pines twins the chance to become ninja, though they do not have to return to Ninjago with us."

Everyone started talking at once. I didn't hear what the others said because it all ran together, but I said, "They're too young!"

"ENOUGH!" Sensei yelled. "One at a time."

I repeated what I said, as did the others.

"Why?" Jay and Cole asked.

Kai said the same thing I did.

"Are you sure about this?" all the Garmadons asked.

Zane said nothing. We all stared at him, expecting him to say something. After a few seconds of staring at him, he said, "I said nothing. I was pondering why you would ask them."

Sensei sighed. "I sensed that they had an element inside them, just begging to be released. Though, I can not be sure what that element was, unlike you four." He gestured to the guys.

"Did they accept?" Misako asked.

"They asked for time to decide. I think we should all get some rest now."

So we all went to our rooms.

Still GF Forest, Morro's POV

Bill arrived as the last lantern on the Bounty was put out. He looked out of breath, which is very odd for the dream demon.

"What's up Bill?" I asked. "You all right?"

After Bill caught his breath, he said, "Yeah, I was just, uh, lookin' around. Yeah. All right, let's go report to my sister."

"Yeah." So we began the teleportation process.

5 minutes later, Unknown Location, Ivy's POV

"Oh, where are those useless, idiotic boys?" I ask myself. "They should have been back minutes ago!"

"Miss us?" my big brother asked.

"There you two are! You took forever!"

"They stay up late," Morro said.

"Well, what did you find?" I asked eagerly.

"Calm down, Ivy, we were just about to tell you," Bill said.

30 minutes later

I laughed. "That old guy wants those two to be ninja?" They have to be lying. There is no way those two could have elemental powers. Ha.

"I assure you Master, we are not lying," Morro said.

"Sis, we're telling the truth," Bill added. I stopped laughing. Bill never lies. Well, not to me anyway.

"Promise?" I asked.

"We swear."

"Do you know their elements?"

"Sensei said he didn't know, but could sense they had an elemental ability," Morro answered.

"You will go back in the morning. Bill, did they decide if they were going to accept?"

"It sounded like it."

"Okay, I can work with this. Go get some sleep, and eat if you want. I have some planning to do." They flew to their rooms and I got to work.

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