Chapter 15

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Ford's POV

Dipper led me to the Gravity Falls Maximum Security Prison, where the assumed Penta-Star from the Cipher Wheel is.

"So how do you and Mabel know this, Gideon person?" I ask him.

"Oh. He was a child psychic fraud that was using one of the mystic amulets in Journal 2, which he found. We went to one of his shows, and he fell in love with Mabel, which then quickly turned to a freaky obsession with her. Later, he stole the Shack, after summoning Bill Cipher, wh-"

"Wait, you've met Bill?"

"Yeah. Defeated him too. Twice."

Wow. Dipper must be much smarter than I was. Defeating an all powerful dream demon, in his home turf? That's amazing. I told him so.

"Well, Stan's memory helped me out in his Mindscape. He told me you could do anything there. And after Bill had tricked me and stole my body, Mabel was really the one who beat him. It helped that I hadn't slept in a week, of course."

I pulled out Journal 3. "And how did you defeat him?"

"In Stan's Mindscape, we played synthesized music, and imagined a portal out of Stan's mind. When Bill had possessed my body, it was eventually just fatigue that stopped him. Mabel did also exploit my weakness, tickling."

"Interesting." I summed up what he said and wrote it down.

Shortly after, we arrived at the prison. We got held up at the metal detector, what with the metal plate in my head. When Dipper asked why it was there, I told him that's for another time. He looked like he wanted to ask more, but held off.

The guard led us to Gideon's cell. I didn't expect much, though this prison is much better kept than the ones I've been to in other dimensions. That may be due to the fact that everyone here didn't betray demons.

I don't know what I was expecting Gideon to look like, but it wasn't this. He looked 10. Though no 10 year old in any dimension I've been to has had white hair.

"What do you want, Pines?" He spits at Dipper.

I pull out the Journal and show him the Cipher Wheel. "Have you ever seen this, kid?"

He glances nervously to a cat poster on the wall. He shakes his head.

"Gideon, I know you have," Dipper accuses. "It was in Journal 2. I've seen it."

"Why do you care?"

Dipper and I sigh.

"Because it may save the world," I tell him.

Pacifica's POV

Ever since the Haunting, as I like to call it, I've spent a ton of time in my room. Being grounded. My parents haven't forgiven me for letting in the townsfolk, even though it saved their butts. Earlier today, Mabel invited me to go to the Mall. I had agreed, but forgotten about my banishment from public. So, I was sneaking out.

And running away.

I had made the decision a while ago, really. I just hadn't worked up the courage. The Pines are really good motivation givers.

Mabel texted me that she was under my window, where I told her to wait. I took one last glance around the room that I've spent the last week in. I feel doubt and fear creeping into my stomach, but I ignore it.

Taking a deep breath, I unfold the fire ladder under my window and watch as it furls down to the ground. I grab my backpack, which is stuffed with clothes, and put it on. One last check to make sure I have everything and that the door's locked and I turn toward my desk. On it I've left a note for my parents. Like they'll really care that I'm gone, but just in case.

As I'm climbing down the ladder, the fear and doubt is replaced with excitement. I've finally escaped the tyranny of my parents. No more controlling bell, no more limitations, no more fear of, fear. Freedom is finally mine.

As I touch the ground, I feel 3 pairs of arms surround me. It takes me a second to realize that it's a hug. When I do, I return it.

"Welcome to the Fun side," Mabel whispers in my ear.

I laugh, a real, genuine laugh, for what feels like the first time in my life.

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