Chapter 33

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Fearmid, one "day" later. Bill's POV.

Ivy kept insisting that I kill Sixer. Seriously, she has some anger issues. I had to keep him in a vault, along with the robot that Morro had kidnapped. Though, I also kept Morro in there, since he questioned the stupid bot endlessly. Seriously, we never see him anymore. Which, really, is great.

The whole apocalypse would be great had it not been for Ivy. Sometimes, I like to think how it would have been had she not been in a different dimension when I blew our home one up. Yeah, I really like those parallel dimensions.

Eventually, Morro does come out of the vault. All the Henchmaniacs boo him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not welcome. I don't care." He turns to Ivy and I. "You need to open that Prison Bubble."

"Oh, how foolish you are," Ivy laughed. "You know why Mabel's in there."

Morro sighed. "Yes, but the green ninja is also there."

"We know," I said, bored with the conversation.


"Yeah, we're keeping him in there since it lowers Mabel's desire to leave even more," Ivy stated.

"Besides, neither of them have a will strong enough to resist the lure of that place. We made sure of that."

Morro shook his head. "You don't understand."

"Yes we do," Ivy and I replied at the same time. Ugh, I hate when we do that.

Ivy continued. "Your old sensei said that you would become the Green ninja, but you didn't. So now, you hate the Green ninja, and wish to kill him to regain your spot on the throne of Spinjitzu. You've said this literally a thousand times before."

Morro gave us both a death glare and flew back to the vault. We watched him until the door slammed shut.

"So what of the others on the Zodiac, brother?" Ivy asked me.

"Follow me." We flew over to where the Eye-Bats were constructing my throne. I pointed to Stitched Heart. "Stitched Heart and his friends were at the cemetery with Ice Bag. She got away, but she'll come soon enough."

Sparks flew from Ivy's hair. "You mean to tell me you've only taken care of three members?"

"Relax. Penta-Star is at his father's auto mart with his prison buddies. They're to stop Pine Tree, Ice Bag, and Crescent Claw if they end up there."

"What about Glasses?"

"He fled town when Crescent Claw re-activated the Portal." I laughed. "His memory must have been coming back. I really hope he remembered what he saw."

"I don't even wanna know." She shook her head. "Llama?"

"At the Shack with Crescent Claw."

"Question Mark?"

I didn't reply instantly. "I honestly don't know."

"Oh for Satan's sake! Seriously?"

"Hey, you're the omnipresent one. You look for him!"

"You know how much energy that takes! I'd be drained for a week!"

"Oh, you're over exaggerating!"

"Uh, Bill? Miss Ivy?"

"What, Keyhole?" we responded in unison again. We both cringed.

"Uh, Morro's flying over to Mabel's bubble right now."

"Just squirt him with a water gun or something," Ivy deadpanned. "He has served me enough. Meaning not at all."

All of our Henchmaniacs gasped. Even I looked at my sister uneasily.

"You would seriously just cast his soul into the Abyss?" I asked.

"That's where he should have gone in the first place. Not that stupid 'Cursed Realm'."

Okay, we all knew Ivy was a bit unstable. But knowingly throwing one of her minions' soul into a never ending pit of loneliness and despair? That's taking it too far, and we all knew it. No one moved.

"Chop chop," Ivy said. Still no one moved. She dropped into her demon form, a lime green circle. "Fine. I'll do it."

The second she left, the Henchmaniacs erupted in chaos. Screams, fireballs, and eyes were thrown everywhere.

"HEY!" I yelled over the noise. They all looked at me. "My sister is an unstable demon that shouldn't be in charge of anything." I pointed to myself. "This Cipher's in charge now." I waited for the applause to die down before continuing. "Someone inform Teeth and 8-Ball of the management change. But tell them they have the same orders." Keyhole saluted and marched off.

"Now, let's get this party started!"

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