Chapter 38

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Since Dipper's trial goes exactly the same way as in canon, we'll get to see what's going on in with the gang at the Shack.

Outside Mystery Shack, back to when Gompers turned into a giant goat. No POV.

Stan had asked the remaining ninja to hammer up some signs in the woods advertising the Shack. Since they had nothing else to do, Garmadon, Misako, Nya, Cole, and Kia agreed and went along. Dareth and Ronin were back watching the Shack.

"Hey!" Stan yelled after they had hung up a few signs. Gompers was eating the tassel on the back of his fez. "That's it, goat! It's time I threw you off this property for good!"

A wave of weirdness passed over the group after he said that. Gompers grew in size dramatically. Garmadon's skin darkened and an extra pair of arms sprouted from his chest. Cole started becoming transparent green.

"What the-?" the latter said, drawing the others' attention to him. "Sensei, any idea what's happening?"

"Sadly, no," he replied.

Stan looked over to Garmadon. "Woah, Lee, what's going on with you?"

"It seems that wave returned the Great Devourer venom into my blood," he replied, looking down at his four hands. He clenched them into fists and looked up. "We must not let this affect us."

"I agree, brother. Let us head back to the Shack. We may think of something there."

The group ran back to the old building, spurred by giant Gompers baying. When they reached the border of the shield that Ford and Dipper had put up, Cole and Garmadon stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" Kia asked them from the other side of the shield.

"We cannot enter," Garmadon said, placing his hand on the shield.

"Why not?" Nya asked.

The ninja stood near the shield, while Stan was peeking out from the doorway. He called for Dareth and Ronin, who ran out.

"Oh, the unicorn hair," Ronin stated.

Everyone turned to him.

"What? I was eavesdropping on the nerds and heard them talking about a forcefield that would keep out Bill. Clearly, that applies to his weirdness, too."

"So we're stuck out here?" Cole asked in disbelief.

"Yep," Ronin replied.

"This could be an advantage," Wu said. "I want you two to go out and look for people not affected by this madness. Bring them back here."

"What?" Stan asked.

"Wu's right, Stan," Misako said. "This is most likely the only place in town not affected by this madness. It could be a safe haven for those who are injured."

"We'll go set up some cots, then," Nya said, dragging her brother into the Shack with her.

Stan looked up at the sky, contemplating what to do. "Fine, but be quick about it."

With an uneasy look toward each other, Cole and Garmadon ran into the forest. The others headed back inside.

"So," Dareth said. "Shouldn't we also be planning a way to defeat that triangle?"

"Yeah, but you're not gonna be in it," Ronin replied.


"You heard me. You couldn't defeat Lloyd when he was still a kid. How do you think you'll stand up against a demon?"

"We will need every hand, Ronin," Wu said, sending the bandit a disapproving look.

"Yeah, I'll lend you a gun," Stan said to Dareth. "Maybe."

Time Skip to the next 'day'.

The group had transformed Stan's parlor/funeral room into an infirmary. Someone knocked on the door, waking Dareth. Sleepily, he walked over and opened it, to find McGucket.

"Uh, Stan?" he called.

Stan came to the door and saw the ex-coot and the impressive group of refugees behind him.

"Did Lee and Cole find all of you?" he asked McGucket.

"They found me, I found the rest of 'em," he replied, ushering the group in.

Among them, Stan saw Candy, Grenda, a unicorn, a manataur, gnomes, Sheriff Blubs, Multi-Bear, and some Lilliputtians. It was the person at the end of the line, though, that caught his attention.

"Pacifica? Why weren't you already in the Shack?"

"I was with Candy and Grenda at the Mall," she replied. "Quick question, what happened to those two?" She pointed to Cole and Garmadon, who were standing guard outside the shield.

"Those weirdness waves."

Pacifica shuddered, closing the door behind her. They headed into the infirmary to join the rest of the resistance.

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