Chapter 28

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For this first part, thank you markmak on DeviantArt for the inspiration for the extra part to this scene. And for the last part of this chapter, remember that I wrote this before either version of the Journal came out. On with the story!

August 23rd, Stan's RV. No POV

Dipper spent most of the ride back drawing in the far back. Everyone was wondering what he was doing, but no one asked. When he finished, he called Candy back and handed her a hand-drawn pamphlet.

"I found a pamphlet I don't think you've read yet," he said.

The pamphlet is titled 'A Loser's Attempt At An Apology.' It was drawn to the best of his ability, with a pie chart saying that he's sorry and dumb. There's a picture of him begging for forgiveness, right above one of Candy smiling that says, 'You are great!'

Candy smiles. "It's okay, Dipper. The open road makes people do crazy things. I mean, just look at your sister."

They both looked at Mabel, who was trying to flirt with Lloyd by dumping as many raw sugar packets into her mouth as possible. Lloyd was trying very hard not to laugh, as were the other ninja.

"Plus," Candy continued, "after seeing you flee that spider like a baby, I kind of lost interest."

Dipper laughed. "Yep! Yep. I deserve that." They were silent for a minute, before he sighed. "You know, I feel terrible for flirting with all those girls. I guess I just felt alone."

"Dipper," Candy said seriously, "if you don't want to be alone, maybe all you need is some new friends. And I think I can help with that." She pulled out a marker and wrote her phone number next to the smudged out ones on Dipper's arm, then held out her hand. "Candy Chiu, 6th grade. Let's be friends?"

Dipper grabbed her hand. "Dipper Pines, also 6th grade. Let's be friends." They heard a high pitched squeal. "Shut up, Mabel."

Shack, Training Room, about an hour later. Still no POV

Everyone, including Dareth and Ronin, excluding Nya, was in the training room. Soos and Robbie stared in awe at the others' colorful whirlwinds. Most of them matched the colors of the person's gi, but there were two exceptions. Mabel's was rainbow, and Pacifica's, instead of being purple and pink, was just purple.

When they had finished their display, Dareth and Ronin introduced themselves to the large group. Stan instantly pulled Ronin aside and asked about the crimes he had committed, having remembered the ninja telling them about him when they had went to Greasy's. Most had to stifle laughter when Dareth introduced himself as the ninja of wind, and Nya correcting him, saying hot air.

"Hey Robbie!" Mabel called across the room. "Grunkle Ford said that you raised the dead. Do ya think you can do it now?"

"Uh, sure," he replied, lifting his right hand.

A zombie popped up, holding an axe. It started shambling towards the crowd of ninja before Robbie growled something. It slowly stopped, raising it's axe, and throwing it at a dummy, knocking it's head off.


"Uh, shoo," Robbie said to the zombie, which shrugged and fell apart.

Nya ran into the room, out of breath. "Guys, I did it!"

"Did what, sis?"

She held out her hands, which were supporting a stream of water. She raised it high above their heads and spun it around, making it rain on everyone.

"Awesome!" "Woah!" "Neat," the Gravity Falls residents said.

Robbie scoffed and raised another zombie. "Whatever, my power's cooler."

Nya summoned a stream of water and decapitated the zombie.

"Oh, it's on."

Half an hour later, everyone's on the floor laughing, covered in water and zombie guts. The residents of the town headed home, except for Soos, who had to clean up outside the Shack. Nya went up to help him, while everyone else went to bed.

August 20th (Back to chapter 24, when Blendin called on Bill for a deal) Bill's POV

"Name's Bill Cipher," I say the second I appear. I see a bald man wearing a prison outfit.

"Blendin Blenjamin Blandin. I need to ask you a favor."

"Oh, really? I never would have guessed."

"I need your help getting out of here."

"Oh. In the Infinetentiary, are we?"

"It's not my fault. It was those stupid Pines kids!"

I perk up. "Pines, eh?" Looking at the possible outcomes and knowing my sister would be happy, I decide to give this guy what he wants. With a twist of course. "Alright. But, I get full control of your body when I see fit."

"I- I don't know."

I hold out my hand. "It's that or no deal. C'mon, Baldy. You really wanna stay in here for life?" A blue flame dances across my palm.

Blendin thinks for a minute. "Alright, deal." He shakes my hand.

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