Chapter 5

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Gravity Falls Forest: Kai's POV

Shortly after Garmadon and Lloyd came back from the Cursed Realm, the sun started to set. The Pines twins (mostly Mabel) insisted that we come to their house, but Sensei Wu made a good point that there probably wouldn't be room for all of us. Besides, our home is the Bounty.

"Thanks to P.I.X.A.L., I was able to figure out what Dipper was writing," Zane told us after they left. "He was describing us."

We didn't believe him. "Prove it," I said.

Zane projected what he had discovered on the wall of the bridge. Sure enough, there was a detailed description of each of us. It even said that I was his favorite. The only reason was because I seemed like the kind of guy who preferred to work alone and would do anything to protect his sister, like him. Interesting, and definitely true on my half.

Mystery Shack: Grunkle Stan's POV

"Soos!" I called to my handyman. "Have you seen the kids?"

"The last I saw them they headed into the forest," he answered.

"Found them," Wendy said, gesturing with her head out the door as she closed her dumb teen magazine.

"Where have you kids been?" I asked them when they came in.

They hesitated and shared a look before answering. I could tell they were about to lie. I did that with my brother all the time.

"We were hanging out with Candy and Grenda," Mabel answered. Like I would believe that.

"Right," I said. "Dipper was hanging out with 3 girls, in the forest. What were you really doing?"

"Well," Mabel answered again. "We were walking in the forest and a portal opened up and a giant ship popped out. Then there were a bunch of people on board and we introduced ourselves to them and then we went to the mall to buy them clothes and then we brought someone out of another realm!"

I laughed. "I think you kids were hallucinating from lack of sleep."

"But it's true!" they both said.

I laughed again. "Yeah, yeah. Go get some sleep before you start seeing unicorns and dragons! And Soos, Wendy, go home."

After I was sure my employees and great niece and nephew followed orders, I entered the basement.

If portals were starting to open in the forest, I sure hope they mean in that part of the forest. But I can't think about that now. I need to focus on getting my brother back.

Mysterious Place: Unknown POV

"Master," Bill Cipher, my minion said. "The ninja, Pine Tree, and Shooting Star have all met."

I laughed evilly. "Wonderful, then the plan may start. Morro!"

"Yes master?" he answered.

"You and Bill go spy on those groups. Don't let me down."

They both bowed before heading to their rooms. I chuckled.

"Things are about to get weird."

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