Chapter 14

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Over the next few days, Candy, Grenda, Robbie, and McGucket all discover the Bounty and the Ninja. Each, along with Soos and Wendy, discover that they have elemental powers. Wendy became the ninja of nature, with a dark green and brown outfit.

Soos became the ninja of pizza. Most were kinda confused by that, so he explained the Infinity pizza. His outfit is the color of his hat.

Robbie became the master of the undead, which didn't suprise Dipper or Mabel. His outfit is greyish green.

McGucket is now the master of smoke. His outfit is a lighter gray than Stan's.

Candy, to no suprise, became the master of candy. Her outfit is pink.

Grenda became master of metal. This granted her extra strength, and can now beat Cole in an arm wrestling match. Her outfit is gold.

The day after the last of them recieved their powers, Dipper and Ford noticed how there were now 10 new ninja. They had also noticed how there were 10 people on the Cipher Wheel.

Dipper's POV

"Hey Great Uncle Ford, I got the diagram you wanted."

"Good, good."

We've been working on a diagram to tie the new ninja in with the Cipher Wheel. So far, Robbie's the Stitched Heart, Old Man McGucket is Glasses, Soos is Question Mark, Wendy's Ice Bag, Grunkle Stan is that wierd symbol on his fez, I'm Pine Tree, Great Uncle Ford is the Hand, and Mabel is the Shooting Star. But we can't tie the Llama or Penta-Star to Candy or Grenda.

"Heya, Dip!" Mabel exclaimed as she walked in the living room. "Watcha workin' on there?"

"The diagram."

"Ugh, still?"

"Do you know of anyone who could be these last two symbols?" Great Uncle Ford asks her.

She cocks her head and looks at the remaining symbols. "Wait, isn't that the star on Gideon's knock-off Mystery Shack?" She was pointing at the Penta-Star.

"Of course! But do you really want to work with Gideon?"

"It depends on what this Wheel thingy does. I'm off to the mall with Candy and Grenda. Bye."

Ninjago FallsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon