Chapter 39

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Bushes near the Shack, Jay's POV.

After the eternal walk from the top of that cliff to the Shack, we see it's exactly how it was before we left.

"Yes!" Dipper exclaimed. "It's in shambles! Just like we left it."

"Oh, man, this is the first time I've ever felt happy going to work," Wendy said.

"Are you not supposed to enjoy your job?" I asked her as we walked up to the porch.

"Well, I'd love your job. Who doesn't want to beat up people for a living?"

"Hello, house. Hello, porch. Hello, wads of gum I left stuck to the couch," Mabel said.

Dipper reaches for the door handle but stops. "Wait, what was that? Shh."

He picks up a golf club. Mabel grabs her grappling hook, Wendy readies her crossbow, Soos turns his hat around, and Lloyd and I ready a ball of our elements in our hands.

"Let's get 'em, dudes," Soos says.

Dipper kicks open the door, and we all run in screaming. Everyone inside the Shack returns the call. Or, everything. I'm pretty sure I saw a unicorn in the mix.

"Wait," Dipper said. "Grunkle Stan!" Mabel joins his call and they run to Stan.

"Nya!" I say, running to the rest of the ninja. "Wait, where's Cole and Garmadon?"

"They were affected by one of those weirdness waves and are patrolling the borders," Kai replies.

"What happened to them?" Lloyd asked, walking up behind me. "And where's Zane?"

"Cole turned into a ghost, and your father returned to his four-armed self," Misako stated.

"Yikes. Zane was captured by Bill," I answer.

"Hey, everyone!" a minotaur says. I love this town! "Eye-bat!"

Okay, so maybe I don't love it right now. Everyone runs around, closing blinds and stuff. Kai pulls Lloyd and I to the ground as a gnome shouts, "Evasive maneuvers!" and "Get the lights!"

Someone turns the lights off and we lay on the ground for a minute, before a voice from the vents yells, "The eye-bat is gone!"

Everyone stands up. Stan lights a match and throws it into a can, which floods the Shack with light. All around, people are either partial stone or in casts. 5 guys that are almost identical are in various casts.

"We have-" one of them says.

"Several injuries!" they all sing, then wince and clutch their injuries.

"So, what exactly happened?" Lloyd asked the Sensei.

"We were helping Stan, and then a wave of madness affected Lee and Cole," he answered, stroking his beard. "We came back here, but the unicorn hair prevented them from coming in, as it keeps out Bill and his madness."

"Also, Dareth is having a panic attack and hasn't left the basement in days," Nya told us.

"Yeah, Ronin's been trying to get him out, but nothing's working," Kai added.

"Yikes," I repeat.

Someone turned on the TV, so, naturally, everyone turns to look at it.

"This is Shandra Jimenez reporting live from the inside of Bill's castle," the news reporter says. "Here for the first time are images of what's happened to the captured townsfolk. Viewers are advised to look away if they don't want to see their friends turned into a twisted throne of human agony."

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