Chapter 24

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This chapter takes place after the events of The Last Mabelcorn, during which everyone but Dipper, Ford, Mabel, Candy, Grenda, and Wendy were training on the Bounty. The aforementioned characters were playing out the episode, obviously.

August 20th, 9:00 am. Bounty. Ford's POV

Now that the Shack is Bill-proofed, I decided to ask Sensei if we could move all of the training equipment to the now empty Portal room. There's a ton of space, and we could improve the equipment with all the spare metal now laying around.

After running the course on the deck of the Bounty, I walk over to Wu. I explain to him the threat of Bill, and how dangerous it is to be out in the open.

"What of the Bounty, if we go with your plan?" he asked.

I think for a second. "We could dock it at the Lake. You're always training Nya there anyway."

He is silent for a second. "We will consult the others come lunch. Now, go help your poor brother." We look over to see Stanley failing the course for the second time today. I sigh and help him up.

"You got it the other day," I remind him.

"That was before that double burger from Greasy's."

Noon. No POV

As the ninja and ninja-in-training sat down for a lunch prepared by Zane, Wu and Ford announced the latter's plan.

Nya agreed instantly, as that meant more time on the lake, and more time to practice. Soos also agreed quickly, as that meant he'd always be in the Shack. Lloyd was also in that party, as it meant he'd be closer to Mabel more often. Mabel agreed after Lloyd did, and Dipper agreed after Mabel.

The others weren't as fast to agree, but once Dipper and Ford explained Bill and his plans, they agreed quite quickly. Said demon, who was listening in with Morro, was offended by this, as he saw himself as very likeable. Morro snorted at that.

So, after the filling lunch, everyone on the Bounty helped dissasemble the training course while Soos went to get his truck to make transporting everything easier. Not that it was very easy to bring all the parts inside the Shack, behind a vending machine, down a flight of stairs, into an elevator, and then deposit them where the Portal used to be.

Overall, it nearly took the rest of the daylight hours to just transport the parts. Ford insisted the others to go home. The other residents of Gravity Falls left, leaving the ninja, the Pines, Gideon, and Pacifica.

Ford pointed to those currently living in the Shack. He handed Stan blueprints.

"I'll be back in a few," he said. "Good luck."

Nya followed him out, saying she wanted to squeeze some more elemental training in. The Sensies and Misako followed her, as they always helped Nya. The remaining people looked at each other awkwardly.

"Well, let's get started," Stan sighed.

2nd subfloor. (Ford's study) Ford's POV

I needed to protect those kids. I know Mabel had gotten the unicorn hair yesterday, but I feel as though that's not enough. I need to fix the thought encrypter.

I'm really glad I didn't lose those blueprints.

Before I do that, though, there is one big thing I want to do.

I make sure the elevator can't be accessed before lifting the cover off a mirror. Dipper almost pulled the cover off yesterday, but I stopped him. Though I have to admit, I'm curious at what he would have seen.

The Mirror of Erised looked back at me. Just like I expected, Stanley was next to me, goofing off, getting a little drunk. My reflection was way happier. Fiddleford came into view, smiling. He looked how he did when he was younger, we all do. With hope in our eyes and color in our hair.

I sighed as I pulled the cover back over. I had gotten it during my travels, given to me by a wizard. I had shrunk it down and have had it with me since the summer of 1992.

I sighed again and dug the blueprints to the thought encrypter out of a crate. "Enough wishing," I said to myself. "Time for doing."

Portal Room, No POV

The remaining ninja and residents of the Shack were hard at work following the blueprints from Ford. Cole had used his powers to get higher up, where they were installing aerial training, which was mostly for Gideon.

Pacifica was complaining about the work, again, and Dipper finally snapped.

"Did you really think coming here, to a building that how it's standing up is a mystery, wouldn't result in a little work?" He asked her. "How did you even run away? That takes some serious effort, some you're clearly lacking right now!"

"Dipper," Mabel warned.

"Sorry, but if I didn't say that soon, I was gonna explode."

Gideon, who was still mad at staying at the Shack, moved over to comfort Pacifica. He whispered to her, making the scowl on her face slowly turn into a small smile. Stan watched the blonde's hard exterior slowly melt around the still-near-stranger. He coughed to hide a laugh at the thought that came to mind and got back to work on reinstalling the dummies.

11:58 pm. Bill's room in the unknown location, Bill's POV

I swear, how no one heard Morro is a mystery. The guy would not stop talking once they started moving the equipment from the Bounty to the Shack. How I managed not to slap him is a bigger mystery.

Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I felt a tug. It was a familiar tug, one that meant someone was summoning me.

I rolled out of bed and transformed into demon form before hopping off to where- and whenever the person was calling me from.

"Name's Bill Cipher," I say the second I appear. I see a bald man wearing a prison outfit.

"Blendin Blenjamin Blandin. I need to ask you a favor."

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