Chapter 9

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1 day later, After events of Northwest Mansion Mystery/Noir: Mabel's POV

"Hey Dipper, did you have fun tonight or what?" I asked Dipper as he came back from talking with Old Man McGucket.

"Yeah, it was actually pretty fun," he answered. "Well, kinda scary, but fun. And I realized, Pacifica isn't really that bad."

We heard someone laugh behind us. We turned around and gasped. Pacifica was talking to Candy and Grenda! Oh no, she is not taking my friends away! She already has enough! So, I did what any normal person would do. I ran towards Pacifica. But Dipper caught my dress before I could get to far.

"What're you doing, bro bro?"

"Just look."

So I looked back at them. They were coming to us. Candy and Grenda looked like they were very mad but very happy at the same time.

"You have some true friends there, Mabel," Pacifica said to me. "They refused to be my friends unless you were too. Not even money could sway them to my side."

"Really?" I asked them.

"Well, we thought it would be rude to join Pacifica considering we both hated her when we met you," Candy said.

"So we thought if you accept her, that's when we will," Grenda finished.

"You really hated me?" Pacifica asked.

"You called us Fork girl and Lizard lady. We had an excuse. But you had no reason to treat us like that," Candy said.

"Wow, I did, didn't I? I'm sorry guys."

"Why the sudden change in personality, Pacifica?" I ask her.

Her and Dipper share a smile before she answers, "Follow me and I'll show you why."

We really didn't want to, but Dipper took the lead of the 'follow Pacifica train', and soon we were all aboard. Whoop! Whoop!

"Hey, Dip, what was that smile for back there?" I ask Dipper.

"You'll see," was all he said.

We were led to a painting of a king skeleton.

"You can't tell anyone what's in here, got it?" Pacifica asked. We all nodded. "Good." She ushered us inside. There were paintings and pictures of all of the bad things her family has done, including her waste shoveling, village idiot, great grandpa, Nathaniel Northwest.

"Wow," Candy said. "You come from a long line of liars and cheats."

"Gee, thanks. I didn't know."

"Well, you really didn't until like 15 minutes ago," Dipper pointed out.

She nodded. "I want to change the Northwest name. I don't want to be part of a family full of liars and cheats, but I am. But I'll make sure that my parents undo all of this. And, I'll make sure that that weird president guy gets credit for being the true founder of Gravity Falls."

"No," Dipper and I both said. "Northwests can keep that title."

"Why?" the other three girls asked.

"The cops were going to bring us to Washington D.C., because apparently it's against the law for a wacky ex-president to be the founder of a town," Dipper explained.

They stared at us like we had swapped heads. "It's true," I put in.

"Well then," Pacifica said. "Umm, so what do you say to being my friend, Mabel?'

I thought for a second then said, "Okay, but, you first must answer this question. Would you be willing to wear a sweater that I made?"

"Depends on the sweater," Pacifica answered.

"Good enough for me!"

We all laughed and left what is probably now Pacifica's least and most favorite room in the house.

Meanwhile, at the Gravity Falls Lake, Misako's POV

Garmadon, Wu, and I were training Nya to become the master of water. Yes, it was late at night, but this way the boys couldn't interfere. We told her to fill a bucket. Easy, but it has a hole in the bottom. She has been trying for most of the day.

"There," she said. "Bucket's full. Not so hard."

We all looked under the bucket, and saw that she had filled in the hole with clay from the bottom of the lake. It still dripped.

"The bucket is not full," Wu pointed out. "Try again."

Nya sighed. "This is impossible."

"This is not impossible," Garmadon said. "This is about thinking outside the bucket."

"Going with the flow," Wu continued. "Finding where you are weak."

That hit a cord with Nya. She almost immediately replied, "I'm not weak! This bucket is weak!" And then she kicked it into the lake. "I've been trying to fill a bucket all day. It's not gonna happen! Face it, I'm not a water ninja. I'm a Samurai!" She then muttered, "Pointless. Fill the bucket."

"It appears the day was a waste," I observed.

"On the contrary," Wu said. "I finally discovered her weakness. Feeling weak."

"I'm good at everything else!" she yelled. "Why don't I have to be good at filling buckets? Go with the flow. I'll show you how I go!" And then she ran back to the Bounty.

"She is good at so many things," Garmadon said "When put in a position to fail, she gives up. And because of her temper, she didn't even realize she successfully completed the task. Her bucket, is full."

It was at the bottom of the lake. No water was flowing out of it, and it was, completely full.

Sorry this is late, I was not feeling that good yesterday.

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