Blood Draws Blood

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I woke up with sun shining through the window and Klaus spooning me. His arms around my waist and his face buried in my hair. I smiled slightly and stretched, Klaus groaned as I turned to face him.

"Wanna catch me up on what happened while I was gone?" I ask.

"Well, my mother is in another witch's body, Finn is also alive and doing his bidding in someone else's body as well. The dinner went south pretty quickly, by my mother body jumping and holding Hayley hostage and asking her to be in a different body so that she could not be a vampire. I think that's it." Klaus explained quickly.

"Wow. That's not comforting knowing that your mother can jump into random people's bodies at will." I tell him. "Trust me, I know. What about you? What happened with the Mystic Falls gang?" Klaus asked, kissing my forehead.

"Well, we partied. I ruined the party by telling them that our child is dead, but spoiler, she's not. When human's cross the border, compulsion kinda quits. So, the human that Elena snatched, ate, and erased is - well - not erased. So, they're searching for her." I explain. "Definitely not as bad as what went on here." I sigh, slipping my fingers through his curly hair.

"Sounds about right with what goes on with them." Klaus tells me. I smile. "Do you want to talk about what we were talking about last night?" Klaus asked. 

"It was a moment of anger and thought. I really think what we're doing here is for Eden's safety. If we left New Orleans and ran from our enemies, they would just follow us. We need to stop making enemies, and start making allies. That's the only good plan of action that we can do right now." I explain to Klaus.

"I'm sorry if I make you feel unsafe." Klaus murmured, kissing my neck.

I made eye contact with him and held his face in my hands. "You don't make me feel unsafe. Being unsafe all the time comes with the job description of being a Hybrid." I tell him. "I love you." Klaus told me. "I love you too." I smile.

I kiss him on the lips and pull away.

"So how are we going to melt the witch?" 


I called Davina today after I had a drink at Rousseau's. I've been worried about her ever since Mikael has been under control. Another problem is that I can't feel her in the city. 

"Finally! I've been trying to call you for days. Way to leave me hanging after I find out you're controlling an abusive Original Viking." I shout into the phone, trying to get through the masses of people partying in the streets.

"I know, I should have called you back. I didn't want you to worry. I just- things are complicated." Davina told me. "Well, no shit, Vina. Word on the streets, and by streets I mean Josh, you've gone completely MIA. Seriously, where are you? I can't feel you anywhere. Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"I'm fine. I'll be back soon, I promise. Thanks for calling. It's good to hear your voice." Davina hung up the phone. "Davina!" I tried to shout out for her to stop. "Damn it!" I hiss and shove my phone in my pocket.

"Well, that was rather rude." I heard and felt Klaus behind me. 

I rolled my eyes and turn around to face him. "Oh, don't do that hot crooked-smile thing, okay? Why did you listen in on my conversation?" I ask him. Klaus smiled even more. "Why did you let me?" Klaus asked.

"You are not going to hurt her." I order him. "Where is she?" I asked. "You don't know?" Klaus asked. "I'm still new at this vampire thing, I'm not all knowing." I tell him. Klaus sighed and walked towards me.

"You just have to know how to listen, love. For instance, I heard cicadas and I heard terns, but the real giveaway was the church bells. Did you know Davina's family owns a little cabin in Terrebonne Parish? It's been abandoned for years, but a brief glimpse at a map shows it's just a mile from the loveliest little chapel." Klaus explained.

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