The Sea Of Lost Souls

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I unloaded the car, taking Eden from her seat.

I wandered around the bayou with Eden in my arms. I told Hayley to call if anything urgent came up. Eden cooed softly in my arms and I kissed her forehead. I had to remind myself that I was doing this for Eden.

I know I should be angry with Klaus, but I just wasn't. I knew him well. The only reason why he would hurt me would be to prove a point to ensure his strength to protect his daughter. Not very healthy, but it was effective in showing enemies who was in charge.

I do love him, and I know I will always love him.

I just hope he won't keep pushing me away for all eternity.

I sat in the leaves and sighed, setting my darling little girl in front of me. She giggled and grabbed a leaf. I used a tiny bit of my power to twirl the leaves around us, to entertain her. She giggled more.

My phone rang and I answered. "Yes?" I sigh. "Do you want to go to Aidan's funeral?" Hayley asks. "I'll be there in a few minutes." I tell her, hanging up the phone. I picked baby Eden up and sped to the wolves, them taking pause.

They still haven't gotten used to a vampire in their presence. 

Eden began to fuss and Hayley suggested I feed her. "There's a hideout about a half mile south of here. Grab some guys to watch your baby. I'll round up the rest and we'll make a perimeter. This bayou's our territory. We'll defend it." Jackson told Hayley and I.

I grabbed Jackson's arm before he turned away. He looked me in the eye, I knew all he could see was hurt from what I did to Klaus. "Thank you, Jackson. I appreciate all you've done for Eden, for us." I thank him. Jackson's stern expression melts into a sympathetic one, nodding before turning away.

Hayley put a hand to my shoulder and began to lead me south.


Hayley showed me to a small cottage just up the river, where I fed Eden and let her play for a short while. My phone began to ring and I answered it. "What is it?" I asked. "I have some news about Klaus." Marcel told me.

Marcel explained how Klaus wasn't the one who killed Aiden and just took the blame.

"So after all of that, Klaus didn't even kill him? Jeez, I feel like an ass now." I groaned. 

"Thought you'd wanna know."

"I don't see why he's want the blame. Is it because he's stubborn, irresponsible, on top of being a gigantic jackass that can't see he has good in him?" I angry shouted into the phone.

"Are you doing okay?"

I sighed heavily and sat on the floor. "Not exactly awesome right now. The pack hates that I'm here. A vampire isn't exactly in their best interest, especially one that is lovers to the guy who they think killed their friend. I'm just a girl that is trying to protect her baby- Klaus's baby." I sigh.

"You're a woman who cares for her child so much that she ran from her lover. There has to be some degree of sympathy there. All you can be right now is their friend." Marcel told me.

"You know, I miss this. Us talking." I tell him.

"After this war, we can talk all you want." Marcel told me.

I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was going to end with one of us dead.

About an hour later, Hayley and I heard Elijah and Jackson fighting about a few hundred yards away. Hayley and I sped with Eden to the two tense men surrounded by wolves, ready to have the word to attack.

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