Part 21

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hella unedited bc i'm a piece of shît

it's about to get 50 shades of fûck yeah up in this bïtch

Word count: 4338

Spending the night at Megan's was everything I needed. She and Niall lived in a spacious apartment deep in the city, overlooking the busy streets and people below. It was extremely beautiful, much like Harry's place, but theirs was much smaller compared to his; Harry's was like a penthouse.

"Niall's out right now," Megan said once we arrived at their apartment. "But he's more than happy to pick us up a pizza or something on the way home."

"Pizza sounds amazing," I said. "I love Hawaiian but I'm sure you aren't really fond of it."

"How about half Hawaiian and half cheese?" She suggested as she picked up her phone.

"Yes, perfect." I smiled, and she texted Niall our order. We ended up lounging on the couch in our pajamas, drinking hot chocolate and talking about pretty much everything while we waited.

I found out that Megan and Niall met a few years ago when she was working at the Chicago Tribune when Niall came in for an interview and they happened to cross paths. I thought it was extremely romantic when she told me he visited her workplace for a whole week just to get her to go out with him, sending one single rose a day to her desk before she finally said yes.

"Wow," I said. "That's much more romantic than Harry having to drive me home from the bars because I was too drunk to take care of myself."

"Was that how you first met?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Oh, no. I was at the coffee shop near campus doing homework and he bought me a coffee and we chatted for a few minutes. The second time I saw him was the bars."

"That sounds a little better." She smiled. "And how are you guys doing now?"

I thought for a moment and shrugged. "I don't know, I guess we're fine? I apologized and we spent the day together, but it felt a little different, on edge in a way."

"I think it'll diminish with time." She said. "Harry has been a little different since his relationship with Miranda."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, believe it or not, Harry wasn't always the uptight, demanding, intimidating businessman that you see all the time. He used to be extremely happy everyday, always had a smile on his face, never angry at all."

I raised my eyebrows. "My Harry? Are we talking about the same Harry?"

She laughed and nodded. "Yes, the same Harry. I know you probably don't want to talk about her that much, but Miranda made Harry really lose himself. He was always cheery, happy, ready to take what life threw at him; then Miranda came along and totally screwed him over."

I nodded as she explained more in depth of how Miranda treated Harry and how he slowly became less fun-focused and more centered on work and not relationships.

"I'll be honest," she said. " I was a little surprised when Niall told me Harry was back in the game."


"Yeah, I mean, Harry seemed to have changed so much over the course of their relationship that I never thought he'd try again." She said.

Niall had finally arrived after we decided to finish talking about Harry and Miranda; part of me liked talking about her because it made me feel more confident about what Harry and I had, but another part of me hated talking about her because she got to see the side of Harry that I may never get the chance to see. His happy, fun-loving, adorable, cheeky self may never appear the same way again and it just bothered me to think about it.

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