Sick Day

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Prompt: Ashton gets sick early in the morning and Luke stays behind and cares for him.

A/n- this is like the most cliche one shot ever but I love reading these so I decided to write one. Hope it's ok.

Luke's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and a closed bathroom door. I could see the light was on, and I heard the sound of someone throwing up. Since Ashton wasn't in bed I assumed it was him.

I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on. A few seconds later the sink cut off, and the door opened and Ashton walked out. He looked pale and he had bags under his eyes.

"Hey baby, are you ok?" I sat up and asked, my voice raspy and deep from sleep.

"No," he mumbled, "I threw up and my head hurts." He sat down on the bed and leaned back onto me. He laid his head onto my shoulder and closed his eyes.

I looked over at the his bedside table and saw the time, 6:07 am.

I remember that his mum usually wakes up about this time to watch her shows downstairs.

"I'm gonna go see if your mum is up, if she is I'm telling her that you're sick and not going to school. Neither am I. I'll be right back." I gently put him back on the bed and walked downstairs and, thankfully, his mum was on the couch and not sleeping.

"Hey Anne." I say to her.

She turns around and looks at me in confusion,"Luke, why are you up so early? You and Ashton don't have to leave for school till 7."

"Ashton is sick. I don't think it's best if he goes to school." I explain.

"Oh no, I can't stay home with him. I have to watch my friends children all day while she's away. I hate to leave him alone when he's sick." She says setting her coffee on the table.

"That's another thing. I'm staying home with him, so you go ahead. I got him." I say her immediately. I knew that she would be busy today. She babysits most of the time to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

"Oh thank you dear. I suppose I should check on him. Let me go and get the thermometer from the bathroom and check his temperature." And then she walked off and I followed shortly behind her.

I walked with her to Ashton's room once she found what she needed.

"Ash?" She said quietly once she entered.

Ashton seemed to perk up when he heard her voice,"Mummy." He said and smiled with his eyes closed.

"Hey baby," Anne walked over and sat down on the bed next to him, "Luke told me that you weren't feeling well."

"'M not." Ashton mumbled and hugged his mother and snuggled into her shoulder.

"Here, let me take your temperature." She said and held out the thermometer. Ashton opened his mouth and took the thermometer. I was awkwardly standing by the door watching this.

The thermometer beeped after a few moments and Anne took it away from Ashton.

"102.3. Oh my, Ashton you have a fever. You're gone stay home today." Anne said running her hand through Ashton's hair.

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