Record Flu

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Request from StaceyStonier

A/n- sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted but it's what I got from your request. So I apologize in advance if this isn't right.


Luke sulked back to the bed from the bathroom. It was early in the morning and Luke woke up, sick as ever. He didn't want to wake Ashton, his boyfriend, up early. They have to record songs for their new album today, and Ashton needs to be rested up for him to be able to drum and sing.

Luke climbed back into bed and cuddled deep into the cover, chasing sleep that never came.

It wasn't long before Ashton began to stir and climbed out of bed. He stretched out his limbs with a groan. He threw the covers back causing a wave of coldness to wash over Luke. Luke shivered and went deeper into the covers he had.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, hearing the noise and turned around to see, what he thought to be, Luke sleeping. He continued getting dressed as quietly as possible before walking over to Luke's side of the bed. Luke quickly shut his eyes and made it seem like he was asleep.

He felt Ashton's hand on his forehead pushing his hair back a little bit. Ashton pressed a kiss to Luke's forehead and let his lips linger.

"Hm," Ashton mumbled to himself, "you feel warm. I hope you're not getting sick Lukey. I'll see you at the studio. Love you." Ashton mumbled but Luke heard every word. Ashton then left the room and Luke blinked his eyes open. His tummy hurt. He whined and turned over going back to sleep.


"Yo ash, where's Luke? Why isn't he here it? It's almost 12:00. He was supposed to be here about 3 hours ago." Michael asked Ashton. Him, ashton, and Calum were all at the studio recording. They were almost done recording the first song for their album but cannot finish it because they don't have Luke.

"I don't know Mike, I've tried texting him but he won't respond. You don't think something's wrong do you?" Ashton responded.

"I don't know. You said he was asleep when you left. Have you tried calling him?"

"Yea try calling him." Calum chimed in.

"Ok, give me a few minutes then. I'll be right back." Ashton said pulling out his phone and dialing Luke's number.

It rang for a few moments and then it went to voicemail.

"Hey it's Luke. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now. Most likely my boyfriend took my phone and hid it." You can hear Ashton giggling in the background at that part. "Anyways leave me your information and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Bye!"

It then did the little beep before you leave a message.

Ashton decided to leave a message, "Hey Lukey. It's me. Where are you? The guys and me are waiting on you. We need you so we can finish recording. Please respond back to me. I love you. Bye." Ashton hung up and walked back into the studio room.

"Anything?" Calum asked when noticing Ashton. "Nope. He didn't respond to my call either. You think we should just call it day and head home? There's no point in waiting around for him. He's probably still at home." Ashton said

"Yea, I guess that's a good idea," Michael said, "Me and Cal are gonna head home, you go find Luke and beat his ass for not showing up." He pointed at Ashton before him and Calum got up and left.

Ashton sighed and walked out after them and into his separate car.


Luke retched into the porcelain bowl one last time before pulling away. He flushed the toilet and leaned back against the wall panting. This is the forth time today he's thrown up.

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