Dinner Distraughts

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Requested by lovelashton

I have nothing against Luke's parents, this was the request!!!!!


"Ash, stop stressing yourself. I'm sure that my parents will love you." Luke reassured his boyfriend who was stressing out over this dinner with his family. But the truth is, Ashton already knows that Luke family dislikes him. Luke's brothers already made that clear. Everyday at school, they would always come up to Ashton and pick on him, insult him, bully him. All because they don't like him dating Luke. They would always say thing like he doesn't care for him and that their parents agree with them. They hate Ashton.

"You don't that Luke.." Ashton mumbles.

"Yes I do Ashton. Come on, we shouldn't keep my parents and everyone waiting. We should probably start heading over to their place." Luke says, sighing as he looked at his watch. Ashton nods his head and begins to walk away from Luke, but he didn't get very far before Luke grabbed his wrist. Luke tugged him back and pressed their lips together.

"I love you ok? No matter what happens tonight. I promise." Luke whispered to Ashton. Ashton nodded his head and mumbled out a quiet 'ok'.

Luke smiled and pulled away, "Let's go. I'm driving." He said. Ashton once again nodded his head and followed Luke out to the car.

/skip car drive/

"Okay here we are." Luke breathed out as they pulled into his parents drive way.

"Mhm." Ashton hummed nervously.

"Hey," Luke said grabbing Ashton's hand over the middle consul, "Don't be nervous. Everything's gonna be ok. My parents'll love you." Luke smiled at Ashton. Ashton gave Luke a fake smile and nodded his head.

Luke, being Luke, bought the fake smile and climbed out of the car.

He rushed over to Ashton's side and opened his door for him, "After you princess." He said smugly.

Ashton giggled,"Why thank you my prince." He said.

"Ok, now let's get inside." Luke said wrapping an arm around Ashton's waist and led him inside.

"Mum. Dad. I'm here with Ashton!" Luke exclaimed as soon as he got inside. He shut the front door behind the two.

"Oh Lukey! It's so good to have you home." Liz exclaimed running to her son, engulfing him in a bear hug.

"O-ok mum. Good to see you too." Luke laughed out.

"You really need to come over more often," she smiled pulling away from the hug. Her eyes fell on Ashton then, "Ashton." She said, eyeing him up and down disapprovingly before walking back into the kitchen.

"See Luke," Ashton whispered, "She hates me." He frowned. Luke immediately shook his head, "No no no. She doesn't hate you Ashton, maybe she's just a little..... irritated? Everything's ok." Luke reassured him.

Ashton gave him a look to which Luke kissed him sweetly.

"Everything's gonna be ok. Let's go to the dining room yea?" Luke spoke quietly once they broke apart. Ashton nodded his head nervously, he's scared of what Luke's brothers and dad will say to him. Luke noticed this and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers.

He led Ashton into the dining room where Jack, Ben, and Andrew were all laughing.

When they noticed Luke walk in, they all exclaimed "Luke!"

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