Here for you

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A/n- so with all this arzaylea shit going around, I figured I'd make a one shot about it and show what Luke could possibly be feeling like. Because this shit is stupid and petty. And just for those who need some eye opening, Arzaylea is known for lying and being manipulative. Her ex said so, so if you think these telling the truth, just remember that.


Luke scrolled through all the comments on his most recent Instagram post. Ever since his "ex" arzaylea commented on it and said that she is going to expose him, the fans have been going crazy. So many people have been turning on him and taking sides with her, while others are defending him and telling arzaylea off. But all the hate that people who believe arzaylea really hurts him. He's dealt with hate before but nothing like this. This is crazy.

As he sits in his hotel room in Japan, tears start to pool in his eyes. So many people are telling him to kill himself and that he doesn't deserve the fame he has. He turns his phone off and throws it to then end of the bed. He hugs his pillow close to his body and lets the tears fall. How can someone believe that he did drugs and cheated on arzaylea? He can't handle it.

Luke squeezes his eyes shut as more tears fall. He chokes back a sob the same time his door unlocks and Ashton steps into the room. Ashton is his boyfriend. They've been dating for a little under a year now. They got together shortly after Luke and Arzaylea broke up and Luke couldn't have been happier. He always felt like being with a girl felt wrong, he never felt right in a relationship until he got together with Ashton.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm late I was at the b-" Ashton spoke once he walked into the hotel bedroom, but cut himself off when he saw Luke borderline sobbing into his pillow, "Oh my god Luke what's wrong?" He rushed over to Luke's side and pulled him into his embrace.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Ashton asked him. Luke tried talking to him but all that came out what choked sobs.

"Hey calm down first, it's ok. Shh" Ashton comforted the broken boy. He rubbed Luke's back soothingly while Luke clung to Ashton's shirt.

After a few minutes, Luke was a little more composed to where he could form words.

"Tell me what happened, I'm here it's ok." Ashton said quietly and kissed the top of Luke's head.

"A-ar-arzaylea." Luke said, breaking down again.

"What about her?" Ashton said, feeling anger boil in his chest by just hearing her name.

"S-she commented o-on my p-post saying that I-I c-cheated on h-her and that I-I'm the one w-who d-did drugs. S-saying that she I-Is g-gonna 'expose' m-me and-and p-people believe h-her," Luke stops for a second, "t-they keep telling m-me to k-kill myself, that I d-don't deserve the f-fame I have n-now." He explained, breaking down once again. Ashton's jaw clenched as he heard what this bitch has done now.

"Where's your phone?" Ashton asked quietly as he ran his fingers through Luke's hair. Luke pointed to the end of the bed, so Ashton reached down without letting go of Luke and grabbed his phone. He unlocked Luke's phone, already knowing his password, he went to Luke's Instagram and looked at the comment section. His anger growing more and more at every comment that Arzaylea left, that the so called "fans" left, he's so angry that they would have the decency to say the things they have. But there are a good bunch of people saying that he doesn't deserve this hate and that arzaylea is lying and just trying to get attention. It's makes him kinda happy knowing at least some stand by Luke no matter. But this didn't make Luke happy obviously, he was now whimpering quietly into Ashton's chest.

"Hey, it's ok. Calm down." Ashton whispered into Luke's ear. Luke buried his face deeper into Ashton's chest and sniffled lightly again.

Ashton tried to figure out what to do with this situation. He decided that he should speak out about it.

So he got out his phone, went to his twitter that he hasn't been on in quite awhile.

"W-what are you d-doing?" Luke asked, hi cupping slightly.

"Speaking out about this. You shouldn't have to deal with this. No one should." Ashton said before he began typing.

After he typed what he wanted to say, he clicked the tweet button and then got out his camera.

"I think we're about to come out." He said as he kissed the top of Luke's head. The sound of that making Luke smile into Ashton's chest and Ashton snapped a picture at that moment.

He then tweeted that picture and posted it on instagram with the caption.

"W-what did you s-say?" Luke asked.

"You can just read for yourself." Ashton smirked and handed his phone over to Luke, who read the tweets.

Ashton5sos: hey, @arzaylea I think it's really nice how you're making up fake lies about a relationship that wasn't even real. But that doesn't matter

And the second one read,

Ashton5sos: this is the only thing that matters. <<insert picture here>>

He tweeted the picture he took of Luke just now. Already so many people were freaking out about this. Some were disgusted but the majority were ecstatic to find out 1. that larzaylea was fake and 2. that lashton was real.

"You really did this? Because of me?" Luke asked when as he looked up at Ashton.

"Of course I did, I don't think it's right that she would do something like this and you still get all the hate from it. I want you to be happy, I don't want you sad. And now, that I've done that, everyone will know that you guys were never really dating and what she says is all lies. Because no one messes with my Luke." Ashton said and then kissed Luke's forehead. Luke smiled slightly back at him before looking back at Ashton's phone and seeing the responses all the fans had.

So many of them were so happy and spreading so many positive vibes and he loved that. He didn't see any hate now.

"Thank you ash, I love you." Luke said as he turned off Ashton's phone and laid it beside them. He closed his eyes as his head was on Ashton's chest.

"Of course baby, I love you too. Why don't you go to sleep? You seem tired." Ashton whispered as he kissed the top of Luke's head. Luke nodded his head and fell asleep without a second thought of Arzaylea and the lies she spread. He fell asleep happy.


A/n- so this high key kinda true. I found out today that all these days since arz commented on that picture, luke has been crying and calling himself a "loser". Guys, this can't happen anymore. What everyone needs to do is unfollow arz (if you're following her), unlike all her pics, and report her. This is the only way she will stop. It's time to #deletearzaylea.  The more we talk about it, the more attention she gets. This was even in a fucking newspaper.  What the f u c k. So guys, lets show her not to mess with any of the boys or else the 5sosfam will come for her. So please help this happen. Also, go to Luke's page and just spam him with love and the hashtag #realfansalwaysbesideyouluke to show him that we are here for him no matter.

-Lyd 💙

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