Movie night

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Prompt: Luke and ash have a movie marathon, only, it's a horror movie marathon. And Ashton is terrified of horror movies.


Ashton and Luke were setting up the living room with blankets and pillows and snacks. Tonight they were having a movie marathon, and Luke chose what kind of movies they were gonna watch. He chose horror movies. Luke absolutely loved horror movies. He could watch them all night long. Ashton, on the other hand, cannot stand horror movies. They give him nightmares, he sees things that aren't there after he watches them, feels paranoid. But he didn't want to tell Luke since horror movies are basically his favorite things. He has at least 5 movies lined up for the night.

Ashton's hands were already shaking as he thought about them.

"You ready for the movies?" Luke asked with a wide grin.

"Yea." Ashton said unsurely. Luke noticed this, "Are you sure? We can totally watch something else if you want." He persuaded with the terrified boy.

"No, I want to watch the movies. I'm fine." Ashton said the best he could without his voice wavering. Which, thankfully, worked. Making Luke smile and say ok.

Ashton continued putting pillows and blankets together trying to make the most comfortable fort on the floor he could while Luke set up the dvr and got all the movies together. Soon enough, the place was set up and they had snacks. So Luke put in the first movie and climbed on the floor with Ashton once he turned the lights off, to make this even better. Well for him at least, not so much Ashton though.

After they got comfortable on the 'fort', Luke pressed play. He wrapped an arm around Ashton's shoulders, who was laying his side with his head on Luke's chest and his arms wrapped around his torso. They both were still in jeans, while Ashton had on burgundy sweater and Luke had on a band shirt with a flannel over it.

As the movie started, Ashton's nerves kicked in even more. And when all the paranormal stuff began, he was scared shitless. Of course Luke had to chose Annabelle as the first movie for them to watch.

"Ash," Luke asked when he noticed the smaller boy shaking, "are you ok? You're shaking."

Ashton played his innocent game with him, "What? Oh, it's nothing. You know that I sometimes start to shake for no reason I'm fine." He assured the blonde.

"Ok, you would let me know if anything was bothering you right?" Luke questions further. "Of course I would Lukey. You have nothing to worry about. Now shush, we're missing the movie." Ashton told him and turned his attention back towards the horrifying movie to dodge anymore questions. Luke let the matter drop and the two continued watching the movie.

Ashton was fine when some parts of the movie died down and slowed down. But when things picked back up he couldn't handle that much.


He began shaking worse and at one point he jumped and clutched onto Luke tighter. Luke immediately paused the movie.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" He questioned softly to the terrified boy.

Ashton decided to give the act up and tell Luke, "No I'm not ok. I'm terrified of horror movies. I hate them with a passion. But I didn't want to tell you because you love them so much and if I told you, you would've called movie night off and I didn't want you to do that because horror movies are like your favorite thing in the world and I thought it would make you upset if I told you I wanted to watch something different and I didn't want you to be upset with me for choosing that and making me seem pathetic because that's the last thing I want you to think of me. I'm sorry I've ruined movie night and-" Ashton rambled with tears of embarrassment flowing from his eyes so Luke cut him off.

"Hey hey hey, shhh. It's ok. I'm totally fine with watching something different. I won't think you're pathetic for being scared. It's completely normal be scared of horror movies. A lot of people are, some aren't though. I'm one of the ones who aren't. You're one of the ones who are. That is completely normal. And I'm fine with it if you want to watch something different that's not scary. I'm ok with that. I love you, ok? C'mere." Luke motioned with open arms for Ashton, who crawled into his embrace and buried his face in Luke's broad chest.

"Do you wanna watch something else?" Luke asked softly as he kissed the top of Ashton's head.

"Mhm." Ashton nodded into Luke's chest.

"How about we watch The Little Mermaid?" Luke questioned. Ashton immediately perked up. He loves Disney.

Luke chuckled and took that as a yes. He got up from the floor and put away the scary movies that he'll save for a later time and put in The Little Mermaid. He crawled back over to Ashton and pulled him flush to his body.

Luke pressed play and leaned his head on top of Ashton's while massaging his curls. Ashton gladly cuddled up to Luke and bury his face into his broad chest. As the movie went on, Luke kept whispering sweet nothings into Ashton's ear and reassuring him that everything is ok.

When the movie ended, the pair just stayed on the floor in their cuddling position. The only sound that was heard was the light rain that began to start about more than halfway during the movie. Well, that was until Luke spoke up.

"Why didn't you ever tell me how much you hated horror movies? I would've never suggested them if I had known." Luke asked quietly.

Ashton thought for a moment, "I just have always hated them. I think when I was in maybe grade 6, me and a group of people who I can't remember either, stayed up all night watching scary movies, telling scary stories, scaring everyone every second. And I was young. I didn't want to seem like a wimp so I went along with it. Been scared since." He mumbled. He didn't look up at Luke because he's always been sort of self conscious about talking about things he's afraid of because he thinks that he'll be judged. He knows Luke wouldn't do that but he still can't help but feel that way.

"Oh ash, I'm sorry about that. But I wouldn't think you were a wimp because you're scared of something. That's like, kicking you when you're down. Everyone is scared of something, I'm scared of things. A lot of things. Don't be afraid to tell me if you don't feel good about something, no matter what. I'll understand. Mkay baby?" Luke spoke softly. Ashton hummed in response, "Mhm." Luke can tell that he is about to fall asleep.

"Do you want to go and get in bed?" He whispered.

"No, wanna stay here." Ashton mumbled and wrapped an arm around Luke's torso and threw one of his legs over Luke's. Luke chuckled, "Well do you at least want to change? Maybe into something more comfortable?"

"No." Ashton pouted stubbornly. Whenever he gets so tired, he turns into a 5 year old who doesn't want to listen. It's not like a little head space, he's just so tired that he doesn't want to do anything.

"Ok baby." Luke said and pulled a blanket over them. He gently laid his head on top of Ashton's and caressed Ashton's hipbone lightly.  They laid in complete silence, Luke thinking Ashton was asleep, Ashton thinking Luke was. Neither really talked. Just listened to the rain hitting the window, and Ashton listened to Luke's heartbeat. It calms him down a lot. Helps him fall asleep. He was almost asleep but said one last thing before he fell asleep.

"I love you Luke." He mumbled tiredly.

Luke smiled down at Ashton, "I love you too bug, goodnight." He whispered back. Ashton hummed and then they were silent. Both boys asleep, and together.


A/n- not my best but it'll do I guess. I started high school Thursday and already I'm like, I wanna die. It doesn't help when your mum works at the school and every teacher has known you for like 12 years. Yep.

Anyways, send in requests. I have no ideas. Or tell me where to find some good imagines and I can change them to lashton. Either comment or dm me.

-Lyd 💙

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