Closet Troubles

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Request from lovelashton

A/n- this is really late so I'm sorry. I hope this is ok.

Luke was home alone and cleaning up around his room. He invited his boyfriend, Ashton, over so that's why he was cleaning. He had some of his clothes from his private closet that he didn't want anyone to know he had. In his private closet, he keeps all of the girly things he enjoys wearing but he doesn't want anyone to know he wears. Especially Ashton because he doesn't know how he would react to Luke liking girly things. He doesn't want Ashton to hate him because of how he dresses.

He was putting finishing touches on everything when his phone went off signaling he got a message. It was from Ashton.

Ash 💓 : 5 Minutes away

5 minutes. Thank god Luke was almost done.

Lukey: ok. See you then xx

He sent the message and then he continued to make sure everything was put up and his clothes weren't showing if he closed the door. When he shut the door and went to go sit down on his bed, there was a knock heard. He sighed and walked down the hallway in his small apartment to the front door. He opened it and was met with the loving green hazel eyes of his boyfriend.

"Hey baby." Ashton smiled when he saw Luke. "Hey yourself." Luke replied and let Ashton inside. Ashton walks in through the door, kissing Luke's lips in the process. Luke shuts the door once Ashton was fully inside.

When Luke turned around, Ashton wraps his arms around Luke's waist, pulling him into his embrace. Luke's arms flying up to wrap around Ashton's neck. Ashton then connected their lips in a sweet, loving kiss.

"I missed you." Ashton mumbled against Luke's lips, biting slightly. "I missed you too." Luke mumbled back.

"So," Ashton said as he pulled away, "do you have a plan for what you want to do today? Or are we just going to hang out here?" Ashton asked, caressing Luke's hips slightly.

Luke hummed at the feeling, "Hmm, I figured we could stay here for a little bit. Then maybe go out to eat. How does that sound?"

"I think that sounds good babe." Ashton smiled fondly down at Luke, since he is only a few inches taller than him. "Ok then." Luke smiled and pecked Ashton's lips once more before pulling away from his embrace and pulling towards his bedroom. Ashton allowed himself to pulled down the narrow hallway of Luke's apartment and into Luke's room.

Luke pulled Ashton inside the room and shut the door, leading Ashton over to his bed.

"So," Ashton started when he sat down on the bed and made Luke stand in between his legs, "did you just want to hang out or did you have more in mind for right now?" Ashton smirked up at Luke. Luke smiled down at Ashton, "Well, I didn't really have anything in mind. I thought we could just lay down and chill for a little bit until we got hungry. Why? Did you have something in mind?" Luke teased, running his finger over Ashton's collarbone.

Ashton hummed a little bit, "Maybe I did. Maybe I don't want to just 'lay down and chill' until we go out to eat. Maybe," Ashton trailed off, running his fingers up and down Luke's thighs, "we could do something else." Luke smiled down at Ashton, who returned the smile.  Ashton craned his neck up to kiss Luke's lips gently. Luke smiled softly into the kiss.

They kissed gently for a few minutes before Luke pulled away slightly.

"I don't think I can ever get enough of kissing you." Ashton murmured quietly, his breath fanning over Luke's slightly parted lips.

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