Stomach bug

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Ok I know I do a lot of little sick one shots but I think that they are soooooo C U T E. so I'm sorry but I wanna do another one.

Luke will be taking care of Ashton. And leave some more requests for some one shots.


Ashton woke up at 5:00 this morning with a terrible stomach ache and a blistering headache. His boyfriend, Luke, is in the bed next to him and hasn't felt Ashton move or stir, nor has he heard Ashton.

After a few more minutes of Ashton laying down, he slowly got up and made his way towards their ensuite. He rummaged through the cabinets to find medicine. He found it but didn't move afterwards. He hunched over the countertop with an arm lazily around his stomach, and then he began to sweat.  

While Ashton was in the bathroom, Luke began to stir when feeling Ashton wasn't near him. He tiredly opened his eyes to find Ashton. Luke saw that the bathroom light was on through the small little crack in the door. He heaved himself out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Ash?" Luke asked, with his deep sleep voice. He saw Ashton hunched over the countertop in the bathroom.

Ashton hummed, a hum that sounded full of pain. "What's wrong?" Luke asked as he walked over to him and rubbed his back.

"My stomach and head hurts." Ashton whimpered out. "How badly?" Luke asks concerned, "On a scale of 1 to 10."

"9." Ashton says. "Oh hun." Luke said as he pressed a hand to Ashton's forehead.

"You're burning up. And sweating a lot." Luke tells him as he rummages through the cabinets to find a thermometer.

"Here, open up." Luke commands softly and stuck the thermometer in when Ashton obeyed.

"Holy shxt," Luke mumbled when the thermometer beeped and he looked at it, "105.3, you're running a high fever. You shouldn't be walking about, go back to bed and I'll run downstairs and find some ice or something to bring that down." Luke said as he walked Ashton back to the bed before he walked downstairs and got a dish clothe and some ice for Ashton. He put the ice into a small container so he didn't have to carry the ice thingy (I honestly don't know what those things are called lol).

Luke put the washcloth on his shoulder and walked back upstairs to Ashton.

"Hey baby, I'm here. It's ok." Luke said as he sat next to Ashton on the edge of the bed.

Ashton whimpered, Luke cooed at him, "Awe hey it's ok, it's just a small bug. Don't worry. Here, why don't you change into shorts and one of my tank tops? So you won't be so hot." Luke suggested. Ashton nodded and Luke got up, getting a pair of shorts and Ashton's favorite one of his tank tops.

He handed them to Ashton who changed. Then he laid back down.

"There, that might help. Why don't we turn on the tv? Maybe you can fall asleep again. And I'll put some of this ice into this towel and lay it on your forehead. That'll help a little bit more." Luke said as he climbed into Ashton's regular spot on the bed and turned on the tv they had in their room.

He found a show that Ashton liked and kept it on. Luke then put some of the ice into the dish towel he brought and gently set it on Ashton's sweaty forehead.

"Luke?" Ashton said quietly.

"Yea babe?"

"Can you put a trash can by the side of the bed? J-just in case?" Ashton asked.

"Yea of course. I'll be right back." Luke said as he walked towards the bathroom to get the trash can they kept in there. He made sure there was a trash bag in it and it was cleaned out before he brought it back to Ashton.

"Ok, now if you feel sick, don't worry about going to the bathroom. Just use this instead, I don't want you moving around with such a high fever." Luke spoke quietly as he set the trash can down beside Ashton on the bed.

"Ok." Ashton whispered. Luke climbed in bed beside him and made sure he was comfortable. Ashton looked as if he started sweating even more, which kind of worried Luke.

"Here, you're sweating a lot. Why don't I wipe some sweat away?" Luke mumbled out before he grabbed the towel and wiped Ashton's forehead.

"Luke?" Ashton whimpered out. "Yea baby. What is it?" Luke responded as he looked down at Ashton.

"D-do you think we s-should go to the doctor to m-make sure it's nothing s-serious?" Ashton asked. "I don't know ash. I mean, that fever is higher than I think I should ever be. But it is flu season, so maybe you just caught the worse case of it. But you haven't thrown up, yet at least." Luke said as he pushed a few curls from Ashton's face.

"Ok." Ashton mumbled before he turned his attention to the tv in front of him. He turned on his side and got situated the best he could with a stomachache.

Luke looked into the container he had the ice in and saw that some of it melted so there was ice water in it. He then got the idea that maybe a cold bath might help Ashton's fever.

"Hey ash," Luke said, getting a weak Ashton's attention, "why don't you take a cold bath? That'll bring your fever down possibly. And it might feel good with how hot you are." He suggested.

"Ok." Ashton said and then Luke helped him to the bathroom. He sat Ashton down on the closed toilet seat as he started the bath.

He made sure to make the water as cold as he thought it needed to be before he turned back towards Ashton.

"Ok, I think it's good. Here, I got you." Luke said and he helped Ashton up and helped him get undressed. He also pulled Ashton's hair into a bun for him. Luke know that Ashton doesn't like for his hair to get wet that often.

Ashton got into their rather large bathtub and leaned his head back. Luke got up and walked to the trash can just in case Ashton suddenly feels as if he's going to throw up.

He walked back towards the bathroom and set the trash can down beside the bathtub.

"Do you feel any better?" Luke whispered, lightly touching Ashton's forehead with his hand to see how hot he feels now.

"I don't feel as hot.." Ashton mumbles with his eyes closed. "I can feel that. I think the bath helped." Luke said as he pulled his hand back.

Ashton didn't feel as warm as he did when Luke last checked, which relieved Luke slightly. Ashton actually felt cool now.

They stayed silent for a few minutes and Ashton seemed to look as if he was about to fall asleep so Luke spoke up.

"Hey, you look tired. Let's go back to bed and maybe you can get some sleep. It's 5:45, so it's pretty early and I don't know how long you've been up but I assume it's been awhile by how tired you look." Luke said. Ashton nodded and slowly began to get up. Luke handed him a towel while he let the water out of the tub.

He let the water out and turned back around to see Ashton getting his shirt on. Ashton looked like he was about to go to sleep right then and there.

"Come on, I gotcha." Luke mumbled as he picked Ashton up and carried him back to the bed. He set Ashton down and hesitated at pulling the covers over him but he saw Ashton looking chilled so he decided he would only pull the thin sheet over him.

Luke then walked to get the trash can because you can never be too safe.

"Go to sleep, it'll help. I'll be here." Luke whispered and kissed Ashton's forehead.

"Ok." Ashton weakly said as he closed his eyes.

Luke watched him as he slowly began to fall asleep before climbing in bed with him and trying to sleep as well.

As long as he knew Ashton was ok, he knew that they would be just fine.


Anyway, hope someone liked this

-Lyd 🖤

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