Lukey sick day

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Request from lovelashton

Prompt: Luke is sick and Ashton takes care of him.

Luke retched into the porcelain bowl once again before pulling away and flushing the toilet. He wiped his mouth and shakily stood up, then sulking back to bed.

He climbed back into bed and buried himself under his comforter. He groaned as his stomach wouldn't stop doing backflips and not allowing him to sleep. So, he decided to grab his phone and look at the time. It was only a little after 7 in the morning so Ashton, Luke's boyfriend, should be sleeping but Luke didn't really give a damn. Ashton can sleep when he gets over to Luke's.

Luke hit Ashton's contact and it rang about four times before a very alert yet asleep voice spoke, "Hello?"

"Ashy?" Luke whimpered out. "Luke? Why are you calling me at-" Ashton paused to look at the time, "7:06 a.m.?"

"Ashy I'm sick." Luke pouts even though he knows Ashton can't see him.

"Awe baby," Ashton cooes, "Are you ok pumpkin?"

"No," Luke whines, "My tummy hurts. And my head. And I'm cold." Luke continues to pout.

"Awe I'm sorry love. How about I come over? I'll take care of you? I know your mum must me working. So I'll be over in a few minutes. Just hold on darling, ok?" Ashton says. "Ok ash. Thank you." Luke said and then the two hung up.


Luke was still in bed trying to fall asleep but wasn't finding much luck. He was wondering where the hell ashton was. He only lives about 10 minutes away but it's been 15. Then, there a knock a door causing Luke to groan.

He heaved his body out of bed and stumbled down the hallway and to the front door. He swung the door open and squinted his eyes as bright light poured in from the outside.

"Awe babe," Ashton said, seeing him hide his eyes, "c'mon. Go back inside." Luke stepped aside letting Ashton in and closing the door. Luke leaned against the wall for support.

"How do you feel?" Ashton spoke softly, setting his hands on Luke's hips.

"Bad." Luke said. Ashton gave a sad smile before sweeping Luke into his arms, bridal style, and carried him to his bedroom. Luke just laid his head on Ashton's chest as he was carried.

Ashton gently set Luke on the bed, treating him him like porcelain. "Stay here, I'll be right back." Ashton whispered, kissing Luke's forehead before he rushed out of the room and back towards the front door where he dropped his bag.

He snatched up his bag from the floor and rushed back to Luke's room where Luke was buried underneath his covers.

"Hey baby," Ashton spoke softly as he sat on the edge of the bed next to Luke, "I'm back."

Luke hummed and tiredly nodded his head response.

"Have you taken your temperature yet?" Ashton asked. Luke then shook his head leading Ashton to go to the bathroom to find a thermometer. He retrieved the item and walked back to Luke.

"Open up." Ashton commanded softly to which Luke obeyed.

As they waited for the thermometer to beep, Ashton ran his fingers through Luke's sweaty hair. Soon the thermometer did go off and Ashton took it out of Luke's mouth.

"101.4," he said. "Is today the only day you've felt bad?" Ashton asked. Luke shook his head, "Yesterday my stomach hurt but not enough for me to stay home." Luke replied, mumbling.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ashton asked. Luke just shrugged and buried his face further into the pillow.

"How does your stomach feel now?" Ashton further questioned. "Bad." Luke mumbled.

Ashton chuckled slightly, "How bad Luke?" He pressed, just trying to see how he feels. "On a scale of one to ten."

"9." Luke said, words slightly muffled by the pillow. Ashton sighed, looking around.

"M-move." Luke mumbled. "What?" Ashton asked.

"Move." Luke said again pushing Ashton out of the way before rushing to his connected bathroom. Ashton shortly behind him.

Luke crouched down in front of the toilet and gagged before it all came up.

He threw up into the toilet for a good few moments, Ashton right there behind him, soothingly rubbing his back.

Luke then began to dry heave.

"Ash, I-it hurts." Luke said, tears falling. "I know it's ok, here I got you." Ashton said, wiping Luke's mouth for him and flushing the toilet. Luke leaned back into Ashton's arms.

"Ashy." Luke mumbled. "Yea babe?"

"My head hurts." Luke whined.

"Maybe that's why you could've just thrown up. It may not be just because of your stomach, headaches can cause people to get sick like that. I have some medicine and other things in my bag. Come on." Ashton explained and then motioned for Luke to get up.

"Carry me." Luke pouted, and who was Ashton to say no? So he picked Luke up and carried him to his bed.

He gently set Luke down and reached into his bag and pulled out the medicine.

"Let me go get some water for you. I'll be right back." Ashton kissed Luke's forehead before going to the kitchen and getting a water bottle so Luke could take the pills.

He walked back to Luke's bedroom to find Luke to be looking as if he was asleep.

"Hey babe," Ashton whispered. "You sleeping?"

Luke shook his head. "Ok, I have water and the pills. So sit up and take them. It'll help with your headache, and you to fall asleep." Ashton said.

Luke opened his eyes and sat up tiredly. Ashton handed him the bottle of water and medicine bottle. Luke drank some water and then took two pills before swallowing and drinking more water.

"There you go. Now you can lay back down and sleep if you want." Ashton said, taking both bottles from Luke.

"Cuddle me." Luke whines, giving Ashton his best puppy dog eyes. It always gets him.

"Damn you and your puppy eyes." Ashton says. Luke smiles. Ashton gets under the covers as Luke says, "Yay." With a scratchy voice. He turns around so that him and Ashton are chest to chest.

He snuggles close to Ashton and tucks his arms in between them.

Ashton chuckles before wrapping his arms around his younger boyfriends waist.

Luke buries his face in the crook of Ashton's neck and closes his eyes.

"You're burning up Luke." Ashton says, feeling how warm Luke is when his forehead is against his neck.

"Mhm, but I'm cold." Luke said.

"Then let me take of my jacket or shirt at least. Cause I know that I'm most likely gonna fall asleep with you, but I don't want to get all sweaty and then make you warmer." Ashton smiled down to him. "Take off both then." Luke teases.

"Ok." Ashton said before sitting up and taking off both his jacket and shirt before laying back down.

"I was joking." Luke mumbled.

"Yea, well I wasn't." Ashton teased cause Luke to giggle and cuddle closer to him.

"Ok, go to sleep now. You need the rest. I'll be here." Ashton mumbled, kissing Luke's forehead.

"Ok." Luke said and closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Ashton smiled down at him before hugging him closer, making sure to never let go.

A/n- I didn't know how to end it so I ended up with this. Oops?


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