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Prompt: Ashton gets pregnant and tells Luke.





All three of the tests were positive. Which meant one thing; Ashton was pregnant.

"Oh my god." Ashton choked out through his tears. Of course they were tears of joy, why wouldn't he be happy that he's able to have a baby.

But there's one problem. His boyfriend Luke. The two have never talked about kids but he does faintly remember a discussion about it.


"Hey Luke," Ashton asked, putting down his phone and looking up to his boyfriend, "Do you ever want to have kids?"

Luke thought about it for a moment before saying, "Yea, I would want to have kids. But I would want to wait till we get married because I think it's a little to soon for them now."

"Ok." Ashton simply said before picking his phone up again.

End flashback.

That discussion was just about maybe a year to about 8 months ago, they weren't married but they do have promise rings.

Ashton looked up at the mirror before back at the tests and closed his eyes. He was going to have to tell Luke sooner or later. He just hoped it wasn't too soon.


The next week...

It's been a week since Ashton found out he's pregnant and he still hadn't told Luke. He's been to the doctor and already has everything taken care of for the next four months at least, but he's been stressed out keeping this from Luke.

He doesn't know how to tell him because he still wasn't sure if Luke even wanted kids yet.

But Ashton knows that he has to do it soon and he's planning on it. He just has to figure out how.


"Hey babe! Can you come here?" Luke's voice rang out through their small apartment.

"Yea, I'm coming!" Ashton called back. He shut his computer down and walked out to the kitchen.

"What's up?" He asked. "Someone's on the phone for you." Luke said, nodding his head in the direction of the phone. "Ok thanks." Ashton said before picking up the phone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hello Ashton? This is doctor Sherwood. I was wondering if you could come down and fill out some paper work for me. It involves the baby." Ashton's doctors voice rang throughout the phone.

"Ok, yea. What time do I need to be there?" He responded.

"Whatever time works for you and the father." Doctor Sherwood said.

"Wait," Ashton said, straightening up a bit, "Me and the father?" He lowered his voice, aware that Luke is still in the room.

"Yes, we need both parents for this. You know, DNA. We need you both. Is that problem?"

"No, no, not a problem at all. See you when I can." Ashton replied.

"Ok, take care."

"You too." Ashton said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Luke asked, making Ashton jump a bit. "Um, it was no one. I'll be in the bedroom." Ashton rushed out before rushing back to their room.

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