Sorry cuddles

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A request!!! yayyyy.

Request from @BreadThiccLuke : " Hey I have a suggestion? Could you do one where one of the boys is upset with the other and the other apologizes and then the cuddle on the couch and add some fluff?"

I sure can 😊😊

RIP Stan Lee. The real og legend. Never forgotten 💔💔


"Luke, just listen to what I have to say!" Ashton yelled at his boyfriend as they argued. The two were arguing over the fact that Luke accidentally showed the whole world they were dating. Ashton wasn't ready to come out yet, and Luke it just not understanding that.

"Ashton, it's not even that big of a deal. I didn't think that there were any poparazzi following us, but it's fine." Luke replies, shaking him off. Ashton groaned. He was worried about what his family would say. He has never come out to them and since he's been on tour for pretty much his entire adult life and the last little bit of his teenage life, he never told them of his relationship with Luke.

"Except it is a big deal Luke," Ashton sighed, "I never told my family about us or my sexuality. I never wanted them to hate me for who I am. But now, everyone knows. Which gives my family another reason for my family to hate me. And yet you're treating it like it's nothing. When in reality, it is something. This could affect me and you for the matter, in a very negative way. I don't want anyone to hate me. I'm scared Luke. But you can't see that." Ashton spoke with hurt in his voice on the last sentence. He watched as Luke's face fell as his words set in.

Luke opened his mouth to say something but never did. So, Ashton pushed past him and went into the lounge area on the big tour bus they were able to get, shutting the door. He walked over to the couch and laid down, stuffing his face in a pillow. It wasn't long before his eyes shut and he was asleep.


A few hours later.....

Ashton woke up with another body wrapped around his own. His eyes fluttered open and looked over his shoulder to see his favorite blonde wrapped around him, asleep as well. Ashton groaned in the back of his throat and shifted where he lay, feeling Luke shift as well.

"Stop moving." Luke grumbled tiredly against Ashton's shoulder, pulling him closer. "No, I'm still mad at you." Ashton grumbled back tiredly, making no move away from Luke. He heard and felt Luke sigh behind him, "Ash, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." He heard Luke mumble by his ear. Ashton remained silent.

When Luke knew Ashton wasn't going to respond he continued, "And I know that you're scared of not being accepted by your family, but, you can't hide who you are from them forever. You know they'll love you for who you are, no matter what. Just like I will. You don't have to worry about losing anyone." Luke said, pulling Ashton closer as he was talking.

Ashton took a deep, shaky breath before he fully relaxed in Luke's arms, "I just don't want people to hate me Lukey." He mumbled. Luke moved the arm that wasn't underneath Ashton to wrap it around Ashton's upper body, intertwining their fingers, "No ones gonna hate you baby. Trust me." Ashton shut his eyes and took another deep breath, holding Luke's hand in his.

The couple remained silent for a few minutes until Ashton phone rang. It was his mom trying to facetime him.

"Answer it babe, it'll be okay." Luke assured him as he kissed his neck. Ashton took a deep breath before answering the facetime call.

It connected for a second before Ashton was met with his mothers face.

"Hey mum." He said nervously. His mom moved the camera closer to her face, as if she was observing something, before pulling it back and bombarding him with questions.

"Ashton Irwin! Why was I never told of your relationship with Luke? Is that Luke behind you? Oh I knew you were always a bottom. Luke are you treating my boy right? If not you know I won't hesitate to kill you." Ashton felt Luke's body shake with laughter from behind him, him smiling as well.

"Don't worry Anne," Luke moved his head into the frame of the camera, "you know I would never do anything to hurt your son in any way." He pecked Ashton's cheek loudly, resulting in Ashton giggling loudly.

"Aw cuties," Anne cooed, "Ashton I expect a little more details about your relationship more often than almost 6 years young man. I mean, don't get me wrong, I knew it all along because you two aren't very good at hiding it but I still would've liked to hear it from you rather than through the walls and online." Ashton blushed, remembering the times Luke and him thought no one was home when they went a little further than before. Anne smirked when she saw the blush and made a face. Ashton blushed again and try to hide his face with his hand, forgetting that Luke's hand was intertwined with his. Anne cooed loudly when she saw the couples hand, resulting in Ashton blushing even more and whining for his mother to stop.

"Oh now the wedding cards me and Liz made years ago will finally be put to use!" Anne exclaimed happily. Luke raised an eyebrow, asking with a confused face, "You and my mum made wedding cards for us?"

"Duh, as I said earlier, you boys didn't hide it very well. We all were just waiting for the day for you two to just admit the relationship." Anne smiled at the pair. Luke chuckled and put his face on Ashton's shoulder, kissing it gently.

Anne squealed lightly, "Oh my god you two are just the cutest. I can't wait for the wedding. We are gonna have so much fun-" Ashton cut her off.

"Sorry mum but we've gotta get going. It's been nice talking to you love you!" Ashton rushes out and hurries to hang up the call before his mother could say anything else embarrassing. Luke laughed against his shoudler, "What did you do that for?" he asks him.

Ashton groaned as he let his hand holding the phone drop, "She was embarrassing, I couldn't take anymore." he replied, looking over his shoulder at Luke smiling. Luke chuckled again, shaking his head, "I love you Ashton." He says while laughing.

Ashton hummed, turning his head so he could fully look at his boyfriend, "Mmm, I love you too." He smiled cutely, leading Luke to press a kiss to his lips, smiling as well. When the two pulled away, Ashton went back to laying the way he was before his mother called. Luke's arm wrapped around his upper body with their hands intertwined, his other arm underneath Ashton's waist around his hips. Luke managed to get his that was underneath Ashton to wrap around his hips and pull Ashton's hips flush against his own. His hand resting gently on Ashton's hip that wasn't laying against the couch.

After a few minutes of silence, Luke speaks up, "Do you forgive me for earlier and accidentally showing the world our relationship?" Ashton made a noise as if he was thinking, making Luke groan and pull him closer, hiding his face against Ashton's shoulder.

Ashton giggled, "Yes I forgive you Lukey." He craned his head back and pecked Luke's temple. He could feel Luke smile against he shoulder, making him smile as well. He held onto Luke's hand just a little bit tighter.


A/N: Woulda look at me 😂😂 third update in short about of time 😂

I like this one a lot like its cute and fluffy hehe

Thoughts on this one? Requests?

See ya next time 😊😊

-Lyd 💓

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