Chapter 85 - They Are Coming Here

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When I wake up George is no longer besides me. The faint smell of his perfume on the pillow next to me is the only proof of his presence last night, when he cradled me in his arms, telling me he loves me, soothing my dramatic manners.

I got scared.

I lost it yesterday.

I don't want to ever feel this way again.

But when you're in love...

I look over to the bed next to mine and see Ella's honey coloured hair facing me. In front of my roommate's bed the morning light is trying to pry it's way through the window's curtains in a weak attempt. It seems too early to have any kind of sunshine and it's London afterall.

My phone says it's 8:00 am and I'm thankful to have the day-off. After all the drama from yesterday's battle of boybands everyone could use the extra hours of sleep. Especially my favourite boyband. They can't leave.

I feel clingy for wanting to be around George again when I was already with him less than 10 hours ago. I always thought that couples that tried to spend everyday together were overly dependent on each other but now I get a bit of what it is. It's just that feeling...that feeling that you get when you are with someone you love and you know this someone loves you back.

It's addictive really and I don't think I want to ever get rid of it.

I don't want to wake Ella or go downstairs just yet, so my boredom leaves me to scroll through twitter and instagram. Saying good morning, thanking people for being supportive for Union J last night, lying that I'm sad that District3 is out, just basic doing the basic stuff.

After an hour of procrastination I decide to give in to my current clinginess and text George:

To: George Shelley

Are you awake?

5 minutes later he replies:

From: George Shelley

Now I am

To: George Shelley

Sorry, did I wake you?

From: George Shelley

Yeah, but I needed to be awake anyway

To: George Shelley

Why? You've got something to do today?

From: George Shelley

Just wanted to go to the gym earlier 

To: George Shelley

Ohh, I see, wanting to get all muscular and shit

From: George Shelley

Excuse me, but I'm already all muscular and shit, just trying to stay healthy here

To: George Shelley

Okay then, so while you're bonding with the treadmill I'll be downstairs enjoying a nice fat breakfast

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