Chapter 1

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I sat on my chair going through my script until Chloe approached me. I forced a smile and looked up. "Hey Chloe."

"Hey Miri." I really wish I can choke her right now. "I was wondering if you wanted some sushi since Joel, Ally and I are going to get some."

There's something I don't like about Chloe. She seems like a great person but something doesn't seem right.

I trust Joel but Chloe...let's just say I'm so close on putting a restraining order on her. "Sure and you know, I'll join you three. I can really use a break." I got up from my chair and we both walked outside of the studio where Joel and Ally stood playing with their phones.

"Babe, I know what you like there was no need for you to come." He said putting his phone away and pecking my lips.

"I just wanted to get away from all this and just clear my mind." I said staring at his eyes. Gosh those brown eyes always make the butterflies in my stomach erupt. I guess we stood staring at each other for a long time since Chloe cleared her throat.

"We should get going."

"Wow Chloe you ruined the moment." Ally chuckled and opened the passenger's door. Joel and I went in the back and Chloe drove.


"Guys, I think we should take it to go." Chloe said and bit her lower lip. We looked inside the restaurant through the car's windows and saw it was packed. "There's no doubt we'll get mobbed."

"Girl no one knows you. In the other hand, Joel and Miriam, everyone knows them." I hit Ally in the shoulder as Joel tried to hold in his laugh. "Bitch what the fuck." Ally shouted then smacked my hand.

It seemed as if Chloe didn't catch what Ally said because she said "Let's just go somewhere else." And drove off.

We end up getting In-N-Out, a California classic. Every restaurant that's really popular, especially in Hollywood, it's always busy. So we decided to wait in the car for the drive thru. I'm a very impatient person so you bet I wanted to turn the car back around and leave. "Oh my god!" I said frustrated. "We've been waiting for almost an hour!"

"You wanted to come." Ally said shrugging earning a glare from me. I looked outside the window and saw a huge group of paparazzi walking towards our car.

"Oh no." I grabbed the sweater on the floor and covered the window so they wouldn't see Joel and I but apparently the paparazzis recognized Chloe's car. Soon we were bombarded by flashes. "Step on it!" I shouted covering my eyes.

"I can't see!" Chloe cried out trying to cover her eyes from the flash.

"Pinche cabrones!" Ally shouted although they couldn't hear her. She flipped them off and instead of them getting the message to move, they continue to take more pictures especially of Ally. My homegirl is going to be on TMZ, I already know it.

"Honk and just drive. They'll eventually move." Joel said putting his hand on his forehead to cover his eyes. Chloe nodded and did what she was told. We earned honks from other cars and people yelling at us but we didn't care, we needed to leave. After a minute, the paparazzi disappeared in the distance.

"Let's just get subway." I said slumping on my seat and sighing.


Finally luck was on our side, since Subway wasn't packed at all so we decided to go inside. I looked around and notice a group of girls staring at us in awe. "I'm going to the restroom, Miriam you know what I like." I nodded and Ally walked towards the bathroom.

I was trying to read the sign above the cashier but since I need to get new eye contacts, I couldn't tell what it said. Joel chuckled and whispered "Just go sit. I'll order for you." Smiling I looked at him and kissed his cheek.

All Over Again : Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now