Chapter 3

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"Y como les va?" Patty asked while putting a bowl of salad in front of us. We were currently at Joel's place with his family eating and catching each other up since it was Saturday and we have the weekend off from filming.

"Bien. We're almost done with season one." Joel said before shoving a piece of nopal in his mouth. I looked at him in disgust as he shoved a piece in my face. I looked away and tried to put his hand far away from my face. I really hate nopal.

Ama Tere caught Joel and said. "Joel, Déjala." Everyone at the table let out a small laugh including myself. He kissed my cheek and went back to eating.

"How's Maddie?" Joel asked looking at Emanuel who sat across from him. He looked up at him and rolled his eyes. "Never mind." Maddie, god she's one bitch. I still don't understand why Emanuel married her. He deserves someone better.

"I think we'll get a divorce soon." He said and cleaned his mouth with the napkin.

"Tan rápido?" Ama Tere said in shocked. I'm guessing Emanuel never told her their problems?

"I think that's the best for the both of you." Israel butt in. Everyone sat in silenced until Patty broke it.

"Y ustedes?" She said looking at Joel and I. I looked at her confused making everyone at the table chuckle. I love being naive.

"Todavía no." Joel smiled and looked at me. "Maybe later on." Then everything clicked, they're talking about marriage. I felt my cheeks heat up so I looked down.

"I need a nieto o nieta soon." Joel's father spoke. I swear, what's up with people wanting Joel and I to be parents? We're barely twenty three years old!


"Es muy temprano." I cut Joel off. Again, his smile disappeared and his eyes were filled with sadness. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. He looked up at me and half smiled. Why does he get so upset when we touch this topic?


"Babe, we need to talk." I said seating next to Joel on the couch. Emanuel nodded and got up so we can talk alone. Joel tensed up and looked at me worried. "Relax." I smiled.

"What's wrong?" He said wrapping his arm around me and giving me his full attention.

"Why do you get so upset when I say I don't want to have kids at the moment?" His eyes were again fill with sadness. He looked away then sighed.

"I don't know. Seeing all the guys happy with their kids makes me want to have one. Every time we all have a reunion, it's not the same. They're running behind their children. I feel left out." He looked at me and his eyes were glossy. "Even Erick beat me." He chuckled making me laugh.

"I'm sorry Joelito but you know I want to wait." I said caressing his cheek. "Being a mother isn't easy. Remember how before I got famous I use to volunteer at the kinder care?"

He nodded and smiled. "You would come home and FaceTime me and rant on how hard it's to take care of them."

"Exactly!" I said letting out a small laugh. "Trust me, I'd love to have kids with you and live for the rest of my life by your side. But right now, it's too early. We're still young."

He nodded and got closer to me. "Te amo." and kissed me passionately.

Someone cleared their throat causing us to looked up and a disgusted Gabriel stood in front of us holding his soccer ball. "Please not here. Wait till you guys get home."

All Over Again : Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now