Chapter 2

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"Please change it." I whined as I tried to get the remote from Joel. We were currently in our house cuddling in the couch. "Joel." I pouted and sat up.

"What?" He laughed holding the remote higher. I hate him so much. I rolled my eyes and got up as he just watch my every move half smiling, he was definitely enjoying this.

"I'll take that." I said roughly taking the blanket and leaving him seating there. As I was walking up stairs, I heard footsteps behind me. Joel wrapped his arms around my waist making me stop mid track. "Déjame!" I squirmed around trying to break lose.

"Sorry babe." Without any warning, he threw me over his shoulders and took us back to the living room. He threw me on the couch and hovered over me.

"I hate you." I glared at him.

"What are you going to do about it?" He said getting closer to my face. My heart started to beat faster as I felt his hot breath against me.

"You'll suck your-"

"Miriam!" He said laughing and getting off me. I laughed and noticed the remote next to me. Joel looked back at me and noticed I was eyeing the remote. We both reached out for it but I was faster than his slow ass. "Well played." He said then kissed my cheek.


After hours and hours of cuddling and watching Netflix, we went upstairs and decided to rest--well, that's what I planned to do.

"You owe me." Joel looked at me up and down smirking.

"For what? Last time I checked, I didn't owe you anything." I said fixing my pillow. He came towards me and shoved me against the wall. I laughed and looked away.

"What's so funny babe?" He was now centimeters away from my face. His eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips.

"You're so horny." I laughed and quickly kissed his lips. I was going to pull back but that's not what Joel had in mind. I relaxed and soon it turned into a hot make out.

He let wet kisses down my jaw until he reached my neck and began to suck on it. I moaned but then pushed him away. "Until Marriage." I said breathless.

"Sorry. I just couldn't help myself." He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight babe."

We've had moments in where we get caught up in the heat but never go far and I'm not planning to. I'd love for him to be my first, but I want to wait till marriage. Ever since I watched Jane the Virgin when I was a teen, I made that promise to myself. You'll think Joel would laugh or tease me about it but he actually agreed to it.

I turned the lights off and laid down. I felt Joel wrapped his arms around me and brought my body closer to his. I smiled and closed my eyes.


"Hello!" I Heard someone shout as they knocked on the door. "Estaban trabando a noche verdad? Es muy temprano para ser tío." Johann. I rolled over to see a sleeping Joel.

Groaning, I opened the door to our room. "How did you get in?"

"I have an extra key." He said in a duh tone. I closed the door and walked downstairs with Johann behind me. "Anyways, vengo a pedirte, a ti y a Joelito un gran favor." I nodded for him to continue. "Bueno, Sofía y yo, estabas platicando y decidimos en que si ustedes pudieran ser los padrinos de mi Amanda."

"Aww la vas a bautizar?" I said with a spoon full of peanut butter. "We'll be honored to be her padrinos"

Let me rewind a little bit.


"I'm so nervous." Johann said as he walked from one place to another. "I don't know if I'm ready to be a father."

"Ay Joli Joli." Yoandri said going up to him and resting his hands on his shoulders. "Sofia and you will be great parents. Plus, the both of you are engaged."

I let out a small laugh as all heads turn to my direction. "Ustedes si que querían ser padres. No podían aguantar." María slapped my arm as the others laughed. Johann playfully rolled his eyes and then looked at all of us worried.

"Bro, everything will be fine. If I can raise my daughter while being on tour with Cnco, you can too." Richard said as he hold Aliyah on his laps. Johann seemed to relax and nodded.

"Ya me tengo que ir. Sofia is in a lot of pain right now." Johann said. We nodded and he left to her room as we waited in the waiting room.

We all came to support Sofia and him, especially him since he was so nervous. I rested my head on Joel's shoulder and I felt his eyes on me. "What's up?" I said not looking up at him.

"When are we going to have a little one?" My head shot up and I looked at him like if he was crazy. I waited for him to laugh but he was serious.

"Joel, we can't have one yet. We're both so busy and young." As soon as I said that, his eyes were filled with sadness. "If we manage to still be together and get married, we'll have as many as you want." He smiled and pecked my lips. "I love you Miriam."

"I love you more."


"Soy papá!" A cheering Johann shouted as he ran down the hall towards us. "Ya nació mi bebé!" We all brought him into a hug and congratulated him.

"Wait, don't you need to be inside with them?" I asked. He nodded then his eyes widen.

"Me altere. Ya me voy." He said and ran back to the room making us all laugh.


"Wait in order for Joel and I to baptize her, don't we need to be married?" I said while pouring milk into my mug.

"La neta no se." He said scratching the back of his neck.

My eyes widen. "Johann! You need to find out!"

He let out a small laugh and took a bite off my peanut butter sandwich. "Es que, ustedes se encariñaron con Amanda y ella los quiere mucho. No me imagino a nadie más pero ustedes." I looked at him and sighed. "If you guys need to be married, pues apurase." He said laughing while I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my milk.

"I'll talk to Joel about it."

Johann's eyes widen and he took another bite. "Entonces se nos casan!"

"No." I said laughing and taking my peanut butter sandwich from his hands. "And stop eating my food."

"Cuando planean darme un sobrino o sobrina?" He asked following me to the living room.

"When I'm married." I simply said. "And ready to be a mom."

"You both will make beautiful babies." He said making me almost spit out my milk.

"Hombre, te pasas."

"Perdón guey." He chuckled but I just gave him a serious expression and he stopped laughing. "Yeaaah. I won't say that again. Si me das permiso, voy a ir a despertar a tu sleeping beauty." And with that he went upstairs.

I swear, I have the weirdest friends.

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