Chapter 20

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*Miriam's pov*

I woke up before the alarm went off. I turn to my left and found Joel sound asleep. I smiled and kissed his cheek before getting up to shower. I grabbed a simple white shirt and light blue ripped shorts since there's no point on dressing nicely--I'll be changing outfits for the scenes. I got out and Joel was still sleeping.

I grabbed the pillow and threw it at his ass. "Joel, wake up!"

He woke up and looked around while squinting. "What time is it?" He asked completely ignoring the fact that I threw a pillow at him.

"Time for you to get ready." I said as I brushed my hair and faced my back towards him. I heard a noise come from the bed and I knew it was Joel getting up...or so I thought.

I turn around and saw him hugging the pillow sound asleep. I put my brush down and got on top of his back. "Get off me." He murmured with his eyes still closed.

I leaned towards his cheek and kissed it. "I promise after the shooting, we can have some fun." I smirked as his eyes shot open.

I laughed and got off his back as he stood up. We've been dating for six years but I still drool over him. I couldn't help but look down at his abs. Joel's chuckle snap me back to reality. He kissed my forehead and headed to the bathroom.


"Wow I like the place." Joel said in awe as he looked around.

"Yeah. A huge upgrade." We walked through the gray halls that were freshly painted and saw all the producers running around.

"Miriam!" Ally shouted as she ran towards us two and embracing me. "How you been?"

I smiled and hugged her back. "Good. What about you?"

She pulled back and smiled really wide. "Great too. Actually better than great. Guess who's engaged?"

We both squealed as she showed me her ring. "Congrats Ally! I can't believe you beat me." I said whispering the last part.

I felt Joel tense up so I looked at him. He half smiled to hide the fact that he seemed bothered. "Babe it was a joke."

"No I know." He said while shoving his hands in his pockets. "Congrats Ally. Emiliano is very lucky."

Ally awkwardly nodded and thanked him. Emiliano appeared and wrapped his arm around Ally. "I'm not just lucky, I'm blessed." Joel awkwardly nodded and looked away. This is so awkward.

"So, are you excited?" Ally cheerfully asked as she pulled me away from the gentlemen.

"God you have no idea. I couldn't sleep last night. That's all I thought of." I said as we walked toward the food table.

"You'll love it. I mean it'll be different from the tv show I was in. Obviously because it's not about super heroes." She said as we both laugh. "But you'll love it. The cast will be like your second family."

I looked around and saw the sets and smiled. "I can't wait."

"Hey can I ask you something?" Ally asked as she grabbed a cookie. I nodded for her to continue. "Are you and Joel okay? I kinda sense some tension and awkwardness."

I froze in my spot and put down the water bottle that was in my hands. I let out a long sigh before looking at Ally. "Yeah we are. Is just that-"

"Did he cheat on you? Because I swear if he did-"

"No he didn't." I looked behind me and saw him and Emiliano talking. He turn to his right and looked at me upset? "He's been kinda distant. He disappears out of no where." I turn back around and faced the food. "He said that the guys and him are working on getting CNCO back together but I doubt that's the reason."

All Over Again : Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now