Chapter 39

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*Joel's Pov*

I felt more nervous than the usual. After this song, we'll sing Photograph and still no sign of Miriam. I started to have doubts and I felt like crying but something told me not to.

"Ready?" Richard asked. We nodded and got on stage. The crowd went wild as Erick began to sing his part in Reggaeton Lento. I looked out at the crowd where all my friends and family were and noticed her empty seat. It was my solo and I blanked out.

The crowd then sang my solo out loud. I felt horrible, I felt like hiding and walking off stage. I took a deep breath and continue on.

Hopefully she gets here.

*Destiny's pov*

Joel looked horrible. He looked nervous and afraid, afraid that Miriam won't give him a second chance. Around us, everyone seemed tense and nervous as well. I would caught myself looking to my left in hope to find Miriam walking toward us.

It was Joel's solo and he blanked out as he stared at Miriam's empty seat. All of us exchanged looks as the fans sang his part for him. I felt horrible seeing him on stage and afraid. "Is she coming?" Yoandri asked me.

I shrugged and looked at him. "I don't think she is. She seemed to be upset last night. I think she had already made her decision but didn't want us to know."

"What do you mean!" Yoandri shouted over the fans and music.

"Stacy brought it up and she forgot about it. Before we left, I saw her throw the ticket away." I shouted.

Yoandri's face fell. He looked upset as he clenched his jaw and looked up at Joel. "She's not giving him a chance?"

I sighed. "I don't know. But I'm positive that she's not. It doesn't make sense though."

"What doesn't make sense?" Johann butt in. Yoandri and I looked at each other then at Johann.

"I don't think Miriam's coming." I said loud enough for him to hear. He looked up at Joel who seemed more nervous by the minute. Joel made contact with us and he seemed more upset. We smile trying to cheer him up but it didn't work, he was in the verge of tears.

"Pobrecito de Joel." Johann said and sat down. The rest of our friends saw us upset and they knew why. I sat down as well as Reggaeton Lento ended.

The crowd went wild as the guys talked to them, clearly trying to stall and give Joel some hope. "LA how are you feeling!" Richard shouted.

I looked again to my left and there was no sign of Miriam. I wanted to cry as well but of anger. I was angry that Miriam lost her child. I was angry that Chloe existed. I was angry that this all happened.

"Well, in honor of us making a comeback, we want to bring back some memories." Richard said. "Who remember's Joel's performance of photograph?" The crowed screamed as they all smiled. Even Joel smiled but you can tell he was trying to cheer himself up.

"Singing photograph is a wrong decision." Yoandri said worriedly knowing that Joel was going to break down if he sang it.

"I know. But his plan was that Miriam would be here before they sing it." I said as I looked down at the floor.

"This song is very special to me." We heard Joel say through the microphone. He gulped and said. "More than you can imagine." The crowd was silent as he spoke. He was going to say something else but nothing came out. He looked at the guys and nodded.

The song began to play and Zabdiel started it off. Joel seemed to be deep in his thoughts as Zabdiel sang. Hopefully he doesn't miss his solo again.

*Joel's pov*


And she's still not here. I felt my heart break as I knew she wasn't going to come anymore. I shouldn't have chosen Photograph. I gulped and sang the chorus along with the guys. Chris than sang his part after him it'll be Richard then me.

I looked at the crowd at my mother. She half smiled as the rest of my siblings did too. I looked up and begged for her to come. We sang again the chorus and it was now Richard's part.

I felt my hands get colder as my turn got closer. I hold my microphone tighter and stared up hoping it'll help me not cry. "And if you hurt me.  That's okay baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me." I looked down and saw a white poster moving. My heart beat out of my chest as the music played. Everyone was staring at me and whispered among themselves. "And I won't ever let you go
Wait for me to come home. Wait for me to come home. Wait for me to come home. Wait for me to come home" The guys stared eagerly as well.

The poster turned and it had "I ❤️ Joel" written on it and revealed Miriam smiling. I covered my mouth as tears escaped from my eyes. The song was still playing but none of us were singing it. The guys all cheered and tackled me. I saw her wiping her tears while laughing. Our friends were speechless as they also cried tears of joy.

I guess they missed their favorite couple.

The song ended and the crowd still went wild. I ran off stage to backstage. "Joel, where are you-"

"She's giving me a second chance!" I shouted before I took off and ran toward the seats. I pushed through everyone and finally stood in the front of the row my friends and family were. Miriam saw me as more tears fell from her eyes. She dropped the sign and ran towards me.

By now, the spotlight was on us. The crowd awww as I cried in her shoulder. "I thought you weren't going to come." I said between sobs.

"I'd be crazy if I didn't." She said as she pulled back and wiped my tears. "I love you Joel Pimentel."

"I love you Miriam Gomez."

"Beso! Beso! Beso!" The guys shouted through the microphone. Miriam looked up and laughed as the crowd chanted.

I cupped her face and crashed my lips against hers. The butterflies in my stomach erupt as I felt her smile. God how I missed her soft lips against mine. We pulled back and smiled.

"Joel, todavía te necesitamos." Zabdiel said as the crowd laugh. I kissed Miriam on the cheek and ran up the stage.

Richard and Chris helped me up and Erick handed me my microphone. I looked out at the crowd and never let sight of Miriam.


Word Count: 1132

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