Chapter 25

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*Joel's pov*

I woke up from the rays of sunshine hitting my face. I sat up looking around and noticed my Ed Sheeran and Barcelona posters. My heart sunk as I realized where I was--I shouldn't be here but I am.

I got up from my bed and looked around my old room. It's been years since I've been here. I noticed the small framed pictures from La Banda and when I was in CNCO. Oh how I wish I could bring those years back.

I walked towards my wall with pictures of my family and I and all the trips we went on. A picture that was dangling caught my attention. I grabbed it and turned it around to see it.

My eyes got watery as my heart broke. It was a Polaroid picture of Miriam and I kissing in Cancun in 2017. We were still seventeen.

I got a push pin from the wall and hung it up. I stare at it for a second as questions ran through my mind.

I heard a knock on the door, bringing me back to reality. My mom walked in and her face soften as she came over. She noticed what picture I was staring at. "Everything will be okay. She still loves you." She said looking at it too.

I nodded gulping to prevent the tears to fall. She placed her hand on my back and rubbed it.


I got off the car as the cold morning breeze hit. I stared at the front of the door debating if I should go in. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I turn to my left and noticed her car wasn't here only my extra one.

I took out the keys from my jacket and unlocked the door. The house was quiet and clean. I closed the door and locked it before heading upstairs.

I walked into our room and the scene hurt. "She packed my things." I whispered to myself. I mean, it was expected but at the same time it was unexpected. I was really hoping for her to be home so we can talk it out and go back to how we were but clearly she wants a break.

I grabbed the biggest suitcase and opened it. It had all my clothes and three pairs of shoes. I closed it without touching anything since it was folded neatly.

I grabbed the other suitcase and took it downstairs with the big one without opening it. As I went downstairs, I realized how empty our room was.

I opened the trunk to my car and put my suitcases in it. I closed it since who knows if someone might steal it although i trust our neighbors and went back inside.

This time, I looked around the room and noticed that our pictures together were taken down. I looked around her desk and found a shoe box with a note attached to it.

'If you want them, take them. If you decide to leave them, I'll just throw them away.'

I opened the shoe box and saw all our pictures from the first days of our relationship till recent. My eyes began to water as I hold a picture of us at our first concert--Ed Sheeran's. I half smiled and closed the box. I don't want to be constantly reminded and hurt myself more but I also don't want her to throw them away.

I got a sticky note and wrote 'keep them. I know you won't throw them away because it pains you.' I attached it and grabbed my other belongings. I put everything in my car and closed the trunk.

"Wow. You guys actually broke up." I turn around and was now facing Maria. I nodded and closed the driver's door. "Joel, why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you hid that from her?" She said crossing her arms in front of her chest. "I come back to LA from being in Miami to find out that my best friend broke up with her boyfriend of six years because-"

"I was afraid!" I said gulping. "I knew I had to tell her but I guess I let Yoandri, Stacy and Destiny get to me. I'm not blaming them because I could've easily ignored them and tell her. But I didn't, because I was afraid."

"Afraid of losing her? Because look around Joel." She said raising her voice a little. "You're putting your belongings in your car and moving out from your guys' house. You lost her either way."

My jaw clenched as anger took over. "I have to go." I said as I opened the door to my car.

"Joel I'm sorry. I didn't meant to say it like that." Maria said stopping me. I looked up at her and shook my head.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Like you said, I lost her anyways." I coldly said before getting in and starting the engine.

*Miriam's pov*

Last night I couldn't sleep. I felt empty without Joel by my side. I also cried myself to sleep. Since I couldn't sleep, I decided to pack his things for him. As I finished packing, the photos on the wall made me lose it. I broke down crying again. It hurt so much.

After my breathing got back to normal, I grabbed a black shoe box and got up. I stared at the wall taking deep breaths and began to carefully take them down.

The wall was now dull and empty like me. I put the box on my desk as my eyes felt heavy. All I remember is sitting down on the corner of my bed before knocking out.

I woke up this morning super late. Of course the director was furious but let it slide. I got ready and we shot the scenes.

I was reaching for a water bottle but someone smacked my hand. I looked up at them furious and saw Ally smirking. I rolled my eyes and sat down on my chair.

"Look, you need chill out and get some sleepy." She said staring at my face. "You didn't get any sleep did you?"

"No I didn't." I said looking ahead.

She sighed and then said. "I know you're in pain right now. I know it's hard but you said you wanted it. You wanted the break." I turn to look at her with no expression. "All Joel wanted was to explain everything to you."

"You know, I noticed I've been forgiving him for everything he does. It was time for me to stop okay? And what? Did you, just like Joel, expected me to be okay after it? Did you not get that he lied to me for a whole month?" I spat.

"Miriam, I'm just trying to say that you also brought this pain upon yourself-"

"Please shut up Ally." I let out a small chuckle. "He lost my trust. I wasn't going to stay with him after that. My life was at risk and I'm pretty sure it still is."

Ally nodded and didn't say a word. I got up from my chair and headed to my dressing room. I need a nap.

Thank you for the 3K reads ❤️

Word count: 1206

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