Chapter 49

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"I-I'm what?" I asked as my eyes widen and stared at a smily Joel in front of me. Placing my hand on my stomach, I felt tears fall.

"We're going to be parents!" Joel said as tears ran down his cheek but his eyes were bright and full of joy. He looked so happy I couldn't stop crying as a smile creeped. He came to my right side and hugged me tightly.

I pulled back at wiped my tears. "What about the baby we were planing to adopt?" He became serious and looked at the floor hoping to find an answer written on it. "We're going to adopt him still." He said looking up at me. My heart melted and I grinned.

"Looks like we'll have two Pimentel running around." Joel chuckled and kissed my lips.


"You're pregnant!" Stacy shouted through the phone. "Oh my god. I need to get a child too and Maria so our children can grow up together like we did."

I laughed. "You're still hung up on that idea aren't you?"

She giggled. "Yeah. Ever since I was like twelve." I shook my head and sketched on the notebook in front of me.

"How's your tour going?" I asked after silence took over. I know she's been gone for three weeks but I truly miss her sassy big mouth self.

"It's great! I definitely missed this." I couldn't help but tear up. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I ten times more emotional?

"I'm glad you're happy again and doing what you love." I choked up. She chuckled and then sighed.

"Miriam, are you crying?"

I took a deep breathe and laughed. "No."

"I could hear it in your voice and I heard you sniff." I laughed and nodded although she couldn't see me.

"I'm just happy that you're happy. You've gone through so much. You deserve this. You deserve happiness." I said sniffing. I heard her let out a long puff.

"You're going to make me cry." She choked. I smiled and fanned myself so I wouldn't cry again.

I heard her manager shout out her name in the background. "I have to go. We're here at the arena. I love you take care."

"I love you too. Be careful and have fun" I said before hanging up. I looked down at my sketch and smiled.


"Joel what are you doing?" I asked pushing the Target kart. He held up two baby outfits--one blue and one pink.

"Which one is cuter?" He asked grinning. I shook my head and laughed.

"I'm not even a month yet." I said grabbing the outfits and putting them back where they were. He pouted and sighed.

"I can't wait till he or she arrives." He whispered while wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

"We have two remember? But one is coming home soon." I felt my smile drop. "Hopefully soon."

Joel stared at me then brought me into a hug. "Don't worry. We'll be able to adopt Manuel and bring him home soon." He assured me. I nodded and rested my head on his chest.

The process with the adoption has been really tough and lately I've been doubting and feeling upset but I know that soon little Manuel will be coming home and us three will wait for baby number two to arrive.


*Two months later*

Joel gently grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand inside the very well known building. We were greeted by the cold wave from the inside. "Nice to see you two again." Mrs. Leona said as she stood in front of us. "Follow me." She spoke as we headed to her office.

We sat down and the nerves kicked in. Today we find out if we're able to adopt little Manuel. Ever since I laid eyes on him, I fell in love with him and so did Joel. He's now six months old and cuter than ever. I prayed last night hoping for a miracle.

"We did research on your backgrounds, careers and history," she spoke putting her glasses on to read the document. "About the kidnapping-"

"She's dead." Joel blurt out and by the look on his face, you could tell how much he regretted it and how nervous he was. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Mrs. Leona nodded. "Like you said, the kidnapper is dead and his helpers are locked up. This actually made the situation harder."

I felt Joel give my hand a light squeeze. I bit down on my lower lip. "Your careers. The both of you are very busy and very famous. Constantly having to travel or be at work." Yup this doesn't sound good. I took deep breathes and tried to calm down my nerves.

"And have a child on your way." She said looking up at my really small bump. I gulped and nodded. She sighed and took her glasses off. "After going over everything, you both seem like great people and there's no doubt you'll be great parents."

I looked over at Joel who clenched his jaw clearly in the verge of crying. "I fought for the both of you. Today, Manuel will be able to go home with the two of you."

I looked at her with tears falling. I gasped and covered my mouth. I couldn't believe what just came out of her mouth. Joel looked at me smiling and kissed my cheek. I hugged him tightly as more tears fell. "Thank you so much Mrs. Leona." Joel said.

She smiled and took other documents out. "I'll need you guys to sign here saying you guys are Manuel's legal parents." Joel reached out for the pen and signed. I then signed after him. Finally after months of process, little Manuel is our son.

We got up and followed Mrs. Leona to where the babies where. The room was full of nurses feeding them. I smiled and looked around but it soon vanished as the thought of these children staying here came in mind.

The blonde nurse who was holding Manuel handed him to Joel. Joel delicately hold him in his arms. He was wide awake and smiling at Joel. Joel looked at me smiling. I rested my head on his shoulder and admired our son. "Hi there buddy. We're your parents." Joel whispered.

I smiled and kissed Manuel's tiny hands. Now we'll wait for my other child.


Im sorry. This chapter sucked :( i might extend the number of chapters but I'm not sure yet. As of right now, this book well end very soon (chapter 50)

Btw, chapter 1 from my new book "Thinking About You" is published Let me know what you think?


Word count: 1131

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