Chapter 14

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I changed into clean clothes with the help of Joel. I winced as I put my jeans on. Joel hesitated on helping me with my jeans since he didn't want to hurt me. "Help please." I winced. He nodded and helped me with the rest.

"Here, I forgot to bring you a sweater." He said handing me his bomber jacket. "Use mine." I half smiled and took it. His cologne fill my nose making me feel warm and smiley. For a minute, I forgot about everything but was snapped back to reality from the pain coming from my leg.

We left the hospital and drove home. As soon as we got home, all my friends were in the living room laughing and drinking as music blasted from the speakers.

They didn't notice Joel's and I presence until Joel shouted making all heads turn to us. "What's going on?" Joel shouted as he walked towards the group. I frozen in my spot not wanting to move a muscle. 

"Welcome home!" Johann shouted awkwardly jumping from the couch. Joel turn around to look at me and shook his head. He was definitely not having it today and neither was I.

"Thanks." I said walking slowly towards their direction. "But I wanted to come home, to a quiet home." I said glaring at Yoandri who was by the speaker. He nodded and turned it off.

Everyone exchanged looks feeling bad as awkwardness filled the room. "We'll just go." Johann said as he walked towards the door and the whole crowd followed behind.

"Ally, Destiny and Maria," the three turned around and looked at me. "Please stay." They looked at each other and nodded.

Joel closed the door and walked towards us. "I'm going to take a shower." He kissed my forehead and ran upstairs. 

"How are you feeling?" Asked Ally as they helped me sit on the couch. I thanked them and sighed.

"Okay I'm just in pain." I smiled and they sat down on my left.

"Sorry about the party." Destiny said while the others chuckled.

"It's okay." I half smiled.

"Clearly, you weren't the only one who wasn't having it." Maria said making us all laugh.

"Joel's tired too." I defended him. "He's been by my side all day and night."

Destiny, Maria and Ally aww as my cheeks heated up. "You guys are so cute." Ally said excitedly. We all laughed and continue to talk about whatever came in mind.


It was starting to get late so the girls left. I was in bed waiting for Joel to get out of the restroom. "No. Don't do it." I heard him speak into the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but shrugged it off. He got out and laid down not saying a word to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked getting closer to him and rested my chin on his shoulder.

He sighed without looking at me. "Don't worry about it babe."

"Joel, you know I don't like when you're hiding things, tell me to not worry when I'm worried." He turn to look at me and studied my face.

"It's been a long day. I don't want to put more weight on your shoulders." I nodded and turn my back to him. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't turn back. I don't know why but I was bothered.

All Over Again : Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now