Chapter 30

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I felt a pain coming from my left side but as much as I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't. The light of the room was too bright. "Wake up!" I heard her shout.

I tried to speak but the rag in my mouth made it impossible. The words came out as a slur as anger build up in her body. I felt a burn on my left cheek as I shot open my eyes. There she stood, completely transformed. How is the police going to find her if she changed?

She took the bandana that was covered in my blood and forcefully opened the water bottle. "Open up." I opened my mouth as she poured water into my mouth. The water got into my freshly cuts sending a burning sensation. I spit out some water that was now combined with my blood as I started to choke. She close the empty bottle and threw it aside. I was now soaked and bleeding again.

She paced back and forth as she ran a hand through her short blonde hair. She wore her work clothes. I'm guessing she's still working.

I looked around the room lazily as my eyes burned from the lack of sleep. The room was not dull and dirty it was bright. The light reflected off the white walls blinding me and making me sleepier. The white tiles were now covered in my blood. There was some dried blood stains as well.

"W-why are you d-doing this?" I managed to say.

She turned to look at me as her face turned red of anger. "Stop asking questions before I kill you and Miriam!"

My eyes were slowly closing but I fought to keep them open. My wrist hurt and burned making me wince. "What now!" Chloe shouted.

I shook my head and leaned my head back. I looked up at the roof and noticed Tinker Bell and Peter Pan painted on a bright light blue color background. Where am I?

I looked at Chloe who was now in front of the tinted window looking outside at the abandon Donut Shop in front of the building we're in.

Images of Miriam worried and probably crying came in my mind. My heart ache knowing I'm causing her so much pain. This was suppose to be all staged. I wasn't supposed to be covered in my own blood. I wasn't suppose to be hurting my family. I wasn't suppose to be in so much pain.

I looked down at my black jeans and noticed the cuts Chloe had made a couple of days ago as she tried to tie my feet to the chair's legs.

Couple of days? Yes, I've been kidnapped for a couple of days already. Chloe decided yesterday that she was going to tell Miriam. It hurt to know that no one knew I was gone until now.

My mom probably thought I was back with Miriam. Miriam probably thought I was with my family in Hesperia. And the guys, they probably thought I was still trying to get over the break up.

I heard the door close I looked around and noticed I was alone again. I sighed in relief as my body relaxed. Every time Chloe or one of her helpers comes in, I tense up. I don't know what their intentions are every time they're in here. Yes, they come and feed me but sometimes they come to torture me when Chloe's at work.

The one that I'm most afraid of is the tall muscular blonde guy which I think his name is Justin.

He's beaten me up once and it was not a pretty scene. It was the day they kidnapped me. I hit Chloe as I tried to get off her grip. Of course, he jumped in and beat the shit out of me. I know I shouldn't have hit a woman but when your life is in danger, you don't give two shits on their gender.

For two days, my body was bruised up badly to the point I couldn't walk when they would change me from room to room. A young brunette, who I still don't know her name, came in and help me with my bruises.

She's the most gentle one but I know I shouldn't trust her. She may seem vulnerable and is awfully young, but she won't hesitate on beating me up.

Unlike the others, she talks to me. She talks about her family and how her mother has cancer. Now that I think about it, maybe that's the reason she's into this. To pay her mother's treatments.

She was the only one who bothered to check if I was okay the night Justin beat me up. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't healed.

I sighed and looked outside the window. Why is Chloe doing this? Will the police find us before she makes more damages?

I sat up and looked down at my black boots covered in dirt since I was in my hometown the night they kidnapped me. Hesperia is full of dirt everywhere. God I miss my family so much.

Tears threatened to fall but I hold them in. I don't need Chloe finding out and doing God knows what.

The door open revealing the young brunette. She hold a white plate with aluminum and a water bottle on her left hand. "Morning." She said before placing the plate on the table near me.

She came towards me and untied my arms from the chair. Although I still had my hands tied together, I had more freedom since they were no longer pulled back.

She walked back to the table and took the plate in her hands. "Your clothes are soaked. I'm guessing Chloe gave you water." I nodded and didn't say a word.

She sat on the floor and took the aluminum off. "I made you pancakes with bacon and eggs." She said as she scooped some eggs.

She reached up to my mouth as I opened it. I let out a small moan as I chew. I haven't had food for the passed hours. She chuckled and scooped some more.

"I'm sorry Joel." She said out of nowhere. She sighed and shook her head. "Ignore what just came out of my mouth."

I nodded and continue to chew.


I'm definitely feeling it today lol.

Comment: Joel is bomb for another update?


Word count: 1076

All Over Again : Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now