Chapter 18

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*Destiny's pov*

I opened the door of the house and the lights were off. Stacy was behind me and turned the lights on. We looked around the house and noticed everything was in place--untouched. "This is not good." Stacy panicked.

I ran upstairs in hope to find her but as soon as i opened the door, her room was clean and untouched. "She's not here!" I shouted loud enough for Stacy to hear. I heard footsteps getting louder and soon Stacy was standing in the door way.

"Where do you think she went?"

I looked around the room in hope to find clues but nothing. "I have no idea."

My heart beat increased as negative thoughts ran through my mind. What if she's ahead with the plan? Joel doesn't know every detail! It'll definitely take him by surprise.

*Joel's Pov*

Miriam opened the door and moved to the side. I walked in and sat on the edge of the bed while she stood in front of me mad.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you." I said while playing with my fingers.

"Why do you disappear?" She asked hurt and mad.

"The guys and I are bringing CNCO back." I half lied.

She uncrossed her arms from her chest as her face soften. She stare at me with teary eyes and smiled. "Oh my god Joel why didn't you tell me?" She asked as she sat next to me.

I shrugged and chuckled. "I don't know. I didn't think I needed too."

She gasped and playfully hit me. "So you weren't going to tell me this! This is important!"

I looked at her and laughed. "I'm joking. I was going to tell you but not this soon. We're still planning everything. It's not official."

She nodded and rested her head against my shoulder. "Please don't keep things away from me. I want to know things that are happening in your life. We're in this together, remember."

I intertwined our hands and kissed her hand. "I promise that I'll continue to tell you everything. I'm sorry."

Before she could say anything, her phone rung and she answered. Her jaw dropped as tears spill from her eyes. "Oh my god thank you!" She shouted before hanging up.

I looked at her confused waiting for her to explain. A wave of relief washed over me knowing it was good news.

"Joel! I got the part!" She shouted before tackling me down on the bed. We both laughed as she was on top of me. We got lost in each other's eyes and felt her leaning in. I crashed our lips together and it soon turned into a hot make out.

She pulled back making me groan as she laughed. She got off and laid down next to me. "So when do you meet the cast and everyone?" I asked wrapping my arm around her.

"Tomorrow." She smiled wide. "Can you come with me?" I forced a smile and nodded. She kissed my cheek and got up. "I'll go make dinner."

I sat up and felt guilt take over me. Tomorrow morning I need to go to Yoandri's since I missed today's meeting. But getting this role is a huge deal for Miriam and I don't want to break her heart. We're now in good terms and I don't want to upset her again.

All Over Again : Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now