Chapter 28

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It's been two weeks since Joel left and I'm still not use to it. I miss his laugh, his smile, the way his eyes sparkled every time I would stare at them, I miss his lips against mine. I miss him.

Recently, it's been a little easier to sleep. I still miss when he would wrap his arm around me as we sleep but I think I've made progress.

I was currently sitting on my chair staring at the stained pavement. "Are you okay?" I looked up to see Ally standing in front of me.

"Yeah I'm just tired." I lied.

"You sure? You looked pensativa" she said as she studied me. I simply nodded and got up from the chair.

"I think I'm going home. I'm kind of getting sick." She nodded and I walked towards the director. He was talking to the light producers so I waited.

"Oh hey Miriam." He said cheerfully.

"I'm not feeling well and wanted to ask if it's okay if I go home."

His face soften. "Of course. Hope you feel better." He said before walking away. I walked to my dressing room and found an envelope. It had my name written in green. It was the same font and envelope. My heart beat began to increase every second.

I opened it and my eyes began to water as I read the first name. "Joel!" I cried out as I broke down crying. I heard footsteps getting closer and felt arms wrapped around me.

"Miriam, what's wrong?" Panicked Ally. I felt a lump in my throat preventing me from talking.

Ally grabbed the note and stood up. She read it and barely made out her words. "We need to report this." She said as her eyes got watery. "Now Miriam! He's in danger!"

I got up and we walked towards Ally's car. As she drove I stopped her from making a right turn. "Go to Stacy's house."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "She's not home. She's in Miami."

"I know. But Destiny is." I said gulping as tears fell.

*Destiny's Pov*

"We need to talk to Miriam as soon as possible before Chloe moves on." I said pacing back and forth.

"I'm pretty sure Chloe is in a way having communication with her." One of my partners said.

You see, this case got out of hand. It was too much for me. We had no clues anymore that lead to Chloe. But I knew she's doing everything on the low and I couldn't just sit here and do nothing thinking she's not doing anything. I called my two partners, Jack and Nathan from London and are now helping me as well.

Before I could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. Yoandri got up and opened it to revealed a worried Ally and Miriam. It seemed as if they been crying.

"Destiny I need your help." Miriam said as her voice cracked.

"What's wrong?" I said then eyed the envelope on her hand.

"Someone kidnap Joel." As soon as those words escaped her lips, I went pale. I looked at Yoandri and he had the same expression as tears fell from Miriam's cheeks.

"We need to ask you some questions. We believe Chloe's behind this." Jack said. Miriam nodded and sat down.

"What's that?" I asked.

She handed it to me. "It's the letter that says he's been kidnap. This is the second time I get an envelope like that. The first time was like a scavenger hunt. The location was here, that's why that night I end up here." Chloe...

I read it and it definitely had Chloe written all over it. I gulped felling awful knowing I failed Joel.

"How did you get these?" Asked Nathan as he wrote everything down.

"The first one, one of the producers said a woman with short blonde hair in her early thirties gave it to him."

"Oh my god. It must be the same lady Joel saw that same night you guys broke up." Yoandri said.

"What?" I asked as we all stared at him.

"Joel said he saw a woman in her early thirties or so, with short blonde hair arguing with a blonde guy at the gas station. He said he looked muscular and wore a football jacket." Yoandri said trying to remember.

"And you didn't tell me! Yoandri what the fuck!" I yelled.

"I didn't think it'll be important!" He fought back. "But he said that the woman made eye contact with him and went pale. The guy also saw him and had the same expression as the woman."

"Did they do something to him after?" Asked Miriam worried.

Yoandri shook his head. "No. Joel said they drove off on a huge white truck."

White truck....

"The guy must've been the one that we saw at the cabin." I whispered remembering the night Yoandri, Stacy and I went to the cabin looking for Chloe. "Did Joel described the jacket?"

Yoandri shook his head no. I cursed under my breath as I ran a hand through my hair.

"The night I was here," Miriam spoke up as she stared at the white tiles. "A really young girl with brunette hair appeared. She told me everything but of course it was the story of you." She said now looking at me. "She told me to believe the one who wrote the letters. I believed it because well, they were somewhat right. Joel lied."

We all stayed quiet and stared down. "We need to go look for him." I said breaking the silence.

"The cabin?" We all looked up and found Stacy standing in front of us.

"When did you get here?" Yoandri asked.

She walked towards us and chuckled. "When you were talking." She said referring to Yoandri.

"We need to hurry and make a move." Jack said getting up. "We don't know how dangerous or what Chloe is planning."

"Ive reported the situation to the police." Nathan said.

"Should we go look at the cabin?" I asked the two of them.

"If you think that place and people have something to do with her, then yes." Nathan said getting up as well. I nodded and turn to look at everyone.

Miriam looked scared and worried definitely in the verge of crying. I went up to her and hugged her. "Don't worry. We'll find him." I assured her. She hugged me back tightly and then let go.

"Are we all going?" Stacy asked. I looked back at the guys and they all nodded.

"Each of you guys have information that can complete the puzzle. We need you all." Jack said.

The last time we went up the mountains of Big Bear, Yoandri, Stacy and I agreed that'll never go again especially at night but we have no choice. We need to find Joel before she does anything to him.


Thoughts? What do you guys think will happen next? Comment because I want to know!!


Word count: 1167

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