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"and i swear i'm doing better, it's just
i can't look at certain things the same, okay?
because there are still things in my head
-and yes i'm aware they shouldn't be there,
but they are
because even though i'm fine, there's still something damaged in my head
and it wants to self-destruct.
it's just hard to believe that i'm better with something like that in the back of my mind

so i'm sorry if certain words make me flinch, or if i stare too long at the pencil sharpeners, or if i act strange around broken glass, i'm sorry that I run sharp things slowly through my hands like i'm wondering if they'll cut me before i put them away, or if i'm not too worried about getting hurt
because i'm telling you, i'm better. i'm telling you i'm fine. i just have something in the back of my head that tries to tell me i'm not sometimes."

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