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"and isn't it sad how quickly we learn
and how easily we give out information
calling our more experienced friends and asking them
how to get the red out of our white bedsheets,
the bloodstains out of our clothes
and they answer us like they've never heard a more normal question,
like that's something anyone would ask
and soon we're learning too
so the next time our friend comes over and has to borrow clothes
we offer them our long-sleeved shirts without even being asked
and ask them if they need to borrow bracelets
we don't say a word when they make us breakfast
and the portion they give us is the smallest one
because they know we can't finish anything more
and we say nothing when they don't even bother to make lunch
no questions are asked when we time each other
when we're in the bathroom
to make sure the other comes back alright
and we pretend we don't notice the bags under each other's eyes
when we do our makeup in the morning
because we learn, and we learn fast
that there's nothing to be gained from questions any longer
we know what we're seeing
we know what it means
we know we can't stop it
and so all we can do is share sweaters and secrets until there's nothing left"

no more questions // k.

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