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i don't need your sympathy card smiles
they're sickening-
as in, they remind me that i'm sick
and they say it's mind over matter
but my mind is what's the matter
and yeah, i've been being too careless
but it's because i couldn't care less
and now i've got all these open wounds
and i swear i don't know where they came from
but they're festering and bleeding
and for god's sake help me clean the blood off the shower curtain
before someone sees
i'm falling apart at the seams
and i can't put myself back together
because i'm all in pieces
and it'd seem my hands are missing
cut off at the wrists, so as not to cause any more damage
but it's left me without a leg to stand on
-no, really, where are my legs
they seem to have gotten so small
i think they disappeared
i said i don't want your sympathy
but it seems a lot like i'm going to be needing someone's help
because it's hard to replace your broken pieces
when you can't trust your own two hands

sympathy in pieces // k.

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